February 20, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos - Bill Maher

21. Feb 2017

This is what happens when a British wanker of major proportion (Milo Yiannopoulos) is given a platform by the mind-numbing ignorant American wanker (Bill Maher) whose misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic & racist disposition is thinly veiled behind an air of bombastic righteousness and shameless self-aggrandizement, all situated squarely within a setting of diehard Liberal-Democrat cheerleading.

On Friday Bill Maher gave Milo Yiannopoulos whose history of hate-mongering & bigotry was so toxic that in 2016 he was permanently banned by Twitter (which says a lot, considering the cesspool that swirls on that platform) an opportunity to legitimize his hateful agenda on National TV.

Maher never pressed Yiannopoulos on his view that college rape culture is a fiction and that women are often lying when they report being raped.

Maher never pressed Yiannopoulos on his demonization of transgender people as, in essence, sexual predators.

When Yiannopoulos asserted that transgender people are "disproportionately involved" in committing acts of sexual assault -- a lie that has been debunked by experts -- Maher remained quiet.

When Yiannopoulos went on to say that being transgender was a "psychiatric disorder," Maher kept his silence.

In fact Maher actually bonded with Yiannopoulos on their shared anti-Muslim views. Yiannopoulos complimented Maher: "You're sound on Islam unlike most people on your show." To which Maher glowingly responded, "Yes, that's true."

You know, there's nothing nicer than seeing two people who appear to be on different ends of the political spectrum ;) bond over their hatred, their bigotry, and their racist attitudes. It is even more entertaining to see the Limousine Liberal 'alt-left' Maher doing his best to mainstream & make the hateful views of the 'alt-Right' wanker like Yiannopoulos' more acceptable.

Burt then again this is America for you, obscene bigotry and intolerance codified under different banners; 'alt-right', 'Liberal-Democrat', 'far-left', 'progressive', 'neo-liberal', 'right-wing nationalist, 'conservative', etc., etc. same shit wrapped in a different wrapping paper.

Bill Maher receives $6 million per year salary and his show on HBO has 2.5 million viewers and his regular guests are likes of Michael Moore & Jeremy Scahill, the darlings of Liberal far lefts.



February 15, 2017

Valentines Day

Even though the Valentine's Day has been commercialized like everything else in this material world may we all remember it for what it is, 'Love' & 'Understanding.'

I wish all my FB friends & family the capacity to 'give' as much as 'receive' love & compassion, it is only then one can truly understand the notion of true love.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.


February 08, 2017

The NYT is propagandist trash

Susan Nevens - 9 Feb 2017

NYT is much more than inaccurate, it is much more than a 'Fake News', it is much more than a despicable excuse for journalism, the NYT is propagandist trash.

Here is Richard Mynick's take on recent NYT article;

"The NYT has published an editorial that’s a must-read for students of US propaganda. It’s a response to Trump’s blurting out a bit of truth (“There are lots of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent?”) in his Sunday interview with Bill O’Reilly.

The editorial is fascinating both for the sheer number of lies it packs into a few paragraphs, & for its unearned tone of sanctimonious high dudgeon. Basically the Times is apoplectic that Trump refused to call Putin names (even when pressed to do so by O’Reilly), and refused to make the usual idiotic claims about the US being some sort of ‘champion of freedom and human rights,’ blah blah blah.

Among the op-ed’s lies are the usual absurd fantasies such as: that Russia’s role in Syria should be considered ‘murderous’ while the US role should be seen as ‘honorable;’ that the US invasion of Iraq (an act many orders of magnitude worse than anything Putin ever did) should be called a ‘mistake’ (as opposed, for example, to a ‘monstrous war crime’); that Russia ‘invaded’ Ukraine in 2014 (No, it didn’t); & that Russia ‘interfered’ in the US election (No, sorry, that’s a lie too).

Then the Times, after foaming at the mouth about how terrible it is that Trump ‘failed’ to call Putin names like ‘thug’ and ‘murderer,’ presents as examples of proper behavior for US politicians none other than Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, two of the most repulsive figures in Congress.

There’s something deeply hilarious about a so-called ‘liberal’ newspaper holding up someone like McConnell as a model of proper patriotic behavior."