March 27, 2017

The US will NEVER have Universal Health Care

Susan Nevens  | 26 March 2017

I am thinking that the US will NEVER have Universal Health Care for the same exact reason that US will never stop initiating, perpetuating, encouraging and engaging in conflicts around the globe to maintain her War Industry.

Health care (Pharmaceutical Companies, Insurance Companies, FDA cabal, etc.) just like Military Industrial Complex is a multi billion dollar Industry and Corporations involved are integral part of American Economy and in fact are Bread and Butter of US Economy.

The United States is an empire, ruled by corporations. However, many people refuse to accept it due to "seemingly" democratic setup of United States alas democracy and free (unregulated) market are mutually exclusive.

The US President – who is nothing more than a puppet in hands of corporations, of which Obama is the best example – has great power over both economical and military policies of state, of former through budget proposals and power of veto, and of latter through his/her capacity as a Commander in Chief.

In United States, there are two actors – state and the corporations, both profiting from current situation. Hence it is inconceivable for the Capitalist economy to cut the profit margin of one of its most profitable Industries by making it Universal.

Moreover the Health Care Industry is not in business of 'caring' for your health, they are in business of 'Managing the Care' hence the reference "Managed Care'. Managed Care is in reality "Managed Profit' where the bottom-line requires steady supply of 'sick' people as well as manufactured diseases making FDA, CDC, Pharmaceutical Companies, Insurance Companies, etc., etc. work together in making maximum profit necessary. Just as manufactured enemies are necessary to wage wars which in return makes the wheels of the so called "Defense Industry' and all the numerous related Corporation churning.

When one understand that the mission of this Republic is first and foremost serving interests of US capitalism and secondly maintenance and expansion of global capitalism in ways that are beneficial for US-based corporations, then it is easy to understand the notion of 'Corporate Protectionism' which has given birth to numerous 'regime changes', coups d'etat and initiated conflicts and wars.

During the much of the 20th century the infamous United Fruit Company defined the modern multinational corporation at its most effective. At home, it cultivated clubby ties with those in power & in abroad, it coddled dictators while using a mix of paternalism and violence to control its workers. As for repressive regimes, they were United Fruit’s best friends, with coups d’état among its specialties, the United Fruit launched more exercises in ‘regime change’ on the banana’s behalf than had even been carried out in the name of oil.

While the United Fruit Company saw the potential profits in growing Bananas in various countries in Central and South America, for the US Government under President Eisenhower who personally had stock in United Fruit, protecting the company opened the door for controlling railroads, shipping and ultimately the Central American governments. Guatemala President Arbenz was no match for America, he feared for his life and ultimately submitted his resignation. However, this did not satisfy the US government, which wished to make an example of Guatamala, the CIA pay off the Guatemalan military so they would let the Honduras militia win and after the victory, the leader of the Honduras militia, Castillo Armas, was appointed as president of Guatemala and Armas became puppet of the United States. Today, the banana is the world’s fourth major food, after rice, wheat and milk and it is just a poetic justice that this Republic has end of being 'a Banana Republic' a century later.

In light of history one example of which is the United Fruit Company, the US Capitalism protects its Corporations at any cost, remember there are only two actors; state and the corporations. Health Care Industry is a Corporation that the US Government will protect so don't wait for Universal Health. Obama Care, Trump Care, Joe Schmo Care, are all various ploys, they are NOT meant to profit YOU, YOU are not even part of the equation.

Saudi Arabia

"Saudi Arabia has launched 90,000 airstrikes in Yemen since 26 Mar 2015. That's 123 airstrikes every day, one every 12 minutes."
~ jeffrey st clair
And the same Saudi Arabia has been chosen by the United Nations to head the key Human Rights panel. The UN no longer tries to hide its malfeasance.


March 23, 2017

WAR - WAR - WAR!..

We breed war, we instigate war, we perpetuate war, we prolong war, we extend war, we maintain war, we immortalize war, we commemorate war, we memorialize war, we encourage war, we initiate war, we provoke war, we are preoccupied by WAR. Peace is not even in our vocabulary because we had the masses believe that PEACE is only achievable through WAR.

I am the notion that war breed was a disputable notion?

22 March 2017
