September 29, 2018

At last I caught-up with Kavanaugh hearing show...

At last I caught-up with Kavanaugh hearing show, watched the testimonies and have something to go by expressing my two cents worth but I must start with a disclaimer.

After 48 hours of practically non-stop coverage by wolves of MSM if all else is overcast and cloudy, it is clear as a daylight that both Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford were knowingly or unknowingly are victims. Victims of our degenerated political partisanship, victims of the witch-hunt aspect of the failed and nonsensical 'me too' movement, and last but not least they are victims of despicable, unscrupulous, and shameless members of United States Senate.

Only a notion of absolute naivete on one's part would make one to think that any of the 21 members of the Judiciary Committee or the United States Senates which ultimately will decide on nomination are in any shape and form concerned with sexual assault aspect of this story. All you need to do is to look at Clarence Thomas nomination, allegation, confirmation and ultimately appointment, nobody gave a flying crap about his history of sexual assault.

Long ago the founding fathers in an effort to divide the power between President and Senate have decided to give the power of nomination to the President and the power of confirmation to the Senate under the Article Two of the United States Constitution. The founders wrote:

"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ...Judges of the supreme Court..."

So by virtue of that set up the 'people' of this republic have no say in any of the steps; nomination, confirmation and appointment. Nothing, zilch, nada, you the people are the mere spectator of the theater of absurd. The appointment is a lifetime tenure, with only death, resignation, or retirement as respite if the appointed turns out to be a complete A-hole.

I went on a little tangent to present to you why appointing a supreme court justice is a polarized political game of high stakes in which 'left, right & center' matters greatly.

Anyhow on Thursday many of you saw 8 hours of live coverage of Dr. Ford (the accuser) and Judge Kavanaugh (the accused). Many of you mistaken the confirmation hearing with court hearing as if Kavanaugh was on a trial or that he might be convicted at the end. You went to the mode of who was more believable the Dr. or the judge, "beyond the reasonable doubt" was a standard on many people's mind alas this hearing had no such standard.

This was a job interview, Brett Kavanaugh was being interviewed for a position, someone in this case Dr. Ford has stepped forward 6 weeks prior to literally say that Brett Kavanaugh should not be hired because based on what he did to her sometime back when they were in high-school and that he is not suitable for the job.

In fact one of the first things that felt sort of odd to me was what Dr. Ford said in the beginning of her statement; "I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school." I felt how strange that Dr. Ford never felt it was her 'civic duty' to speak out before specially when in 2006 Brett Kavanaugh became U.S. Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, very important position. Why hasn't Dr. Ford notion of 'civic duty" didn't kick in then? Wasn't being Circuit Court Judge in US Court of Appeal important enough to nudge one's 'civic duty'?

It was very curious to me anyways but I moved on thinking better 'late' than 'never' to break one's silence. right?

Considering the huge 'life changing' accusation when burden of proof is as always squarely on the shoulder of the 'accuser', I was all ears. Alas after hearing over an hour of testimony by clearly a fragile and disturbed woman whose scattered memory failed her when it came to providing important information.

I realized it is impossible to administer justice.

You see, how is it possible to administer justice when the accusation is so substantial with such substantial and all the the accuser has to offer is a fragmented story which cannot be backed by any evidence or any corroborating witnesses.

It doesn't matter where one falls on the scale of social sensitivity or political belief, there is nothing one could go by in order to administer justice.

Was Dr. Ford lying? I doubt it, something life shattering did happen to her. Was Brett Kavanaugh the responsible person, I am not sure, I am not convinced.

All and all I am of the belief that the show we witnesses is not about what it claims to be about. Dr. Ford is indeed a victim, she was a victim of sexual assault 35+ years ago and she is once again a victim of political witch hunt.

In closing I must add that I never thought I could despise Dianne Fienstein (CA Senator) any more than I have already but I surprised myself. Fienstein the rat that she is held on to Dr. Ford letter for 6 weeks and she against Dr. Ford's wishes leaked the information and ultimately publicized it.

In a perfect world Dianne Fienstein should be stripped of her position but then again we are far from that perfect world, the United States Congress and political establishment is a swampland.

29 Sept 2018
