April 11, 2016

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is gaining legions of new admirers by shamelessly pandering to voters who want to hear the truth, critics of the Vermont senator say.

According to those critics, Sanders has cynically targeted so-called “truth-based voters” to build support for his Presidential bid.

“People come to Sanders’s rallies expecting to hear the truth, and he serves it up to them on a silver platter,” the political strategist Harland Dorrinson said. “It’s a very calculated gimmick.”

But while Sanders’s practice of relentlessly telling the truth might play well in states that are rich in truth-based voters, like the early primary and caucus states; New Hampshire, Nevada, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho....or upcoming 'Truth based voters" state like California, critics say that his campaign could stall in states where the truth has historically been less important, like New York.

“At some point in this campaign, voters are going to get truth fatigue,” Dorrinson said. “Right now, the novelty of a politician who doesn’t constantly spew lies is grabbing headlines. But after months of Bernie Sanders telling the truth, voters are going to start wondering, Is that all he’s got?” tongue emoticon

Dorrinson is just one of many critics who is eagerly waiting for the Sanders phenomenon to come down to Earth. “Telling the truth may be working for Bernie Sanders, but it shows a serious lack of respect for the American political system,” he said.

According to Chair of Hillary Clinton campaign, John Podesta of the Podesta Group, who took a few minutes from his busy schedule defending his good name which has appeared on the Panama Papers, "shameless truth telling is not Sanders only problem", said Podesta. 

"Bernie Sanders campaign has other 'bridges over the troubled water' to cross," said John Podesta, criticizing Sanders as being firmly in the pocket of the high-rolling educator in light of accepting a check for amount of $300 sent to his campaign office by a local elementary school teacher. 

“He might have the reputation of being the people’s candidate, but when your candidacy is effectively bankrolled by the multi-hundred-dollar donation of a fourth-grade teacher, it’s clear who’s really pulling the strings,” said Podesta, who also noted that when a check arrives with a handwritten note that says “Behind you 100% Bernie!” it comes with certain expectations. 

“He’s already spouting off talking points about supporting unions and increasing funding for education. Where do you think he got those ideas? He might think he’s not influenced by that money, but when someone has deep enough pockets to drop $300, you pick up the phone when they call”, said the political analyst Chris Mathews of MSNBC who also went on to say he wouldn’t be surprised if Sanders’ strong support for a living wage could be directly traced to the fat $20 contribution he got from a fast-food worker.

** PS: Putting together the above humorous piece with great deal of help from Andy Borowitz articles which I have manipulated a little has a purpose.

The purpose is to amplify the absurdity of Hillary Clinton campaign and not necessarily endorse Sanders. We know pretty much by now what Mr. Sanders is all about, we credit him on many points as he seems to be above the fray of corruption and more in touch with the Main Street. Having said that we should also acknowledge Mr. Sanders lack of knowledge in Foreign policy and International Relations, and his duplicity pertinent to his anti-war stance which is in stark contradiction to his voting 'yes' for 'war' on 8 occasions.

1. Yugoslavia
2. Lebanon
3. Palestine.
4. Syria
5. Libya
6. Afghanistan
7. Yemen.
8. Somalia

Susan Nevens - 11 April 2016

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