July 23, 2016


First thing first, I want to thank all my FB friends and family for humbling me and making me a happy woman with your generosity.

The cakes, the abundant bouquet of flowers & balloons were sweet but sweeter than that were the thoughtfulness, the humbling words and the kindness you have all bestowed on me.

I can’t ask for more kindness and thoughtfulness from amazing group of people who have showered me with endearing words on my FB wall and through private messages on my special day.

I am truly blessed for making this connection with each and every one of you. Alas my only regret is that I don’t know you a lot of you in person, but life is full of surprises and may be one day.... :)

I tried to thank every one of you personally, (I hope I did not forget anyone) a task that I look forward to the day after. I look forward to it perhaps for a selfish reason of confirming how rich I am in friendship, a wealth beyond all the material wealth that it is worth a world to me.

While I was leaving each of you a little comment, I was hoping and praying that FB does not cut me off :) as on other occasions they notified me that I am abusing my privilege and commenting too much in way of 'thanks' and that is evidently not what FB is for :P But this time around they were nice to me, they even send me a birthday greetings ^_^

I must say despite some of the shortcomings of 'social media' that we all have acknowledged from time to time, the Facebook has been very good to me and for me. Some people say that the bond and friendship through social media platform is ‘virtual’, is ‘digital’, and somehow it is not "real". Alas for me that argument does not hold true. I know for the fact that I would be unable to connect to/know so many wonderful, diverse, intelligent, caring, versatile, knowledgeable, compassionate and open-minded people from all corners of the world in my lifetime if it wasn’t for Facebook.

Hence I am indebted to social media to have put me in contact with you. I am also indebted to each and every one of you who have enriched my life (90% enrichment capacity of a ‘Nuclear Love Bomb’ and thanks to FB with full long rage delivery system reaching every continents and nooks of crannies of the world.) ;)

So don’t forget my friends, we are all imminent threat to ‘hatred’, to ‘injustice’, to ‘disinformation & propaganda’, to ‘oppression’, to ‘bigotry & racism’, to ‘economic servitude’, to ‘inhumanity’, and to all and every hegemonic & demonic power in the world. What bonds us is our effortless practice to not only stay ‘human’ but to strive to be better human beings.

We are all Palestinians, Ukrainians, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Libyans, Sudanese, Yemenis, Afghans, Pakistanis, South Africans, Cubans, Haitians, Kashmiris, Armenian and……We are voice of the voiceless. We should remain the color of water, human beings without boarders, without prejudices.

We ought to remain gender-less, free thinkers, and not bound to blind patriotism. We are citizens of the world and should reject being put in a single category. We all have faith and while some of us feel the need to practice different religions, some of us find it unnecessary, but at the end of the day I don’t think any of us object to peace and justice nor would any of us remain indifferent to oppression.

I think that is why we have found each other, that is why we have bounded, and that is how we gain strength through each other or at least that is my story and that is how I get my strength.

Once again thank you for making my day. <3

July 23, 2016

Beautiful art from Joseph Cornell

July 13, 2016

Seek Truth and Tell the Clinton(s) that the Buck Stop with US THE PEOPLE

Starting today I will be sharing some thoughts, some brilliant posts from those whom I have been reading not to mention with those whose views, opinions and analysis I see eye to eye in regards to Mr. Bernie Sanders but even more so in regards to Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

As rational, moral, ethical, and balance individuals we owe it to ourselves to seek the truth and tell the Clinton(s) that the Buck stops with US THE PEOPLE.

The US Department of Justice bowed to the corrupt Clinton because frankly the US Department of Justice is not about 'serving justice' but to carry on with the pretense of doing so.

The FBI too bowed to the corrupt Clinton because they too can not be trusted to stay above the fray of the institutionalized corruption that reigns in this nation.

But WE THE PEOPLE should not bow to the corrupt political establishments, we should know better the story of American Politics.

We should know that the story of American politics is a story of propaganda (one party against the other), story of power, greed, lies and deceits, and finding ways for the masses to be complaisant in this process.

We know that the US is ruled by a private oligarchy with government as a mere front where the country’s resources are diverted to the pockets of Wall Street, the military complex, and to the service of greater Israel. In fact the oligarchs have succeeded in making Americans a ''dispossessed majority'' in their own country.

We know that the story of American politics, is a story of a strange alliance of the "dirt poor" with "mega rich', the wonderment of both parties managing to convince the poor to vote against their best interests, this happens every four years, and every 4 year the process is the same.

The use of “social issues” such as gay marriage, and women’s reproductive system, etc., are used by Republicans to work up indignation over the threat to moral values posed by Democrats.

Through propaganda the working poor are convinced that their tax dollars are used to provide medical care and schooling for illegal aliens, they are convinced that standing up for America means standing up for bankster bailouts and the military complex’s multi-trillion dollar wars.

The story is the same on occasion of every election, the game is convincing the masses to feel that their fate depends on their choice alas the scaffolding of the governmental system is the same 'greed & fear'. Both Parties usher the dispossessed to eat off the same trough laced with THEIR GREED & YOUR FEAR.

Let us say NO MORE, let us review our own choice, our own party, let us remove the word 'BUT', at the end of the day, we are ONLY RESPONSIBLE for our own choice. The Buck should stop WITH US, THE PEOPLE, that is as 'revolutionary' as we can get, that is as 'patriotic' as we can get. LET US NOT BE 'DISPOSSESSED MAJORITY' ANY LONGER. Let us LEAD ourselves, the 'Movement' is created, let us MOVE.

Now Phil Rockstroh is one of those people whom I have been reading, and sharing. I read him only because I understand him, he makes sense to me, he enlightens me, he is been consistent, consistently rational and logical. Here is Phil Rockstroh;

"Bernie Sanders has removed any doubt of the veracity of the accusation that he is and has always intended to serve as Hillary The Horrible's sheep dog. By his actions on the podium today in New Hampshire, he has revealed he is as epic a phony as she is.

Hillary Clinton's role in public life is anathema to everything Bernie and his believers claim to represent i.e., craven corporatism and belligerent militarism. Every word -- every syllable -- emergent from the shape-shifter is fraudulent, unless she is pledging to levy military aggression. Her actions prove credible in that regard.

Comrade Bernie stood behind her on the podium and nodded obsequiously at her every lying utterance. Good doggy. Nice doggy. Good job boy. Perhaps if you keep up the good work, the Clinton Cartel will create a new cabinet post just for you: The Department Of Sheep Dogging.

Yet Bernie, all living things are possessed of a soul, including sheep dogs. Today, you have proven you are bereft of one."