June 12, 2016

Orlando mass shooting

Another senseless tragedy and another concerted effort to see it as more than what it is; hate acted out and made possible by easy access to firearm which is often obtained legally as was the case in this incident.

All we are hearing, all we will be hearing and witnessing 24/7 for next few days is how this tragedy will be politicized. "Worst Mass Shooting in America," will be the banner defining this event but what the heck is parameter of 'worst' nobody will ever know.

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten that Racism was a motive for 21 year old white man Dylan Roof who opened fire in a historic black church, in Charleston, South Carolina almost exactly a year ago (June 15, 2015).

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten that how proud of himself was Robert Dear the Christian man who shot and killed 3 and injured 12 in a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs when in courtroom he belted "I am guilty".

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten the mentally ill 20-year-old Jewish White American Adam Lanza of Sandyhook Elementary rampage AND the tragedy in Umpqua Community College in Oregon where 26 year old gun crazed American Christopher Harper-Mercer who had a particular animus against organized religion, and asked the victims whether they were Christians before shooting them.

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten the Virginia Tech shooting by mentally disturbed 20 year old South Korean Seung-Hui Cho who has been permanent resident of US since he was 8 years old and killed 32 people.

There is no discussion in the US MSM about the 172 mass shootings which produced 228 victims JUST IN 2016.**
The US Media outlets are just in competition with one another trying to outdo each other with their erroneous reports connecting this heinous and bigoted hate crime to International Terrorism.

Donald Trump the twit on the Twitter who acknowledged “congrats” for “being right” on terrorism IS AS SHAMELESS as the MSM who see this tragedy as everything but the epidemic of gun violence and hate crime, AND AS SHAMELESS as the ISIS idiot leadership whom are so bloody desperate for notoriety that would gladly take credit for any violence done by any creep who decides in mid-act to pledge his allegiance to ISIS.

So once again the ills of American society, the bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, confluence of gun culture, rage and violence, epidemic of gun violence, and un-addressed mental illness is neglected/overlooked while the Afghani heritage and Muslim background of the shooter takes the center stage.

Hysteria and festival of fear once again and we are to believe that a US citizen of Afghan descent who has worked for 9 years as a Security Officer at a very significant London based G4S Security Service Company and has been on FBI radar for 3 years !! turns into a one-man killing machine and making sure that we know he's affiliated with ISIS.

** Click here for the Mass shooting archives in 2016, as of June 11, there were 13,700+ mass shootings in 2015.

Susan Nevens - 12 June 2016

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