June 10, 2016

The humble Queen feels that her birthday deserves 2nd round of celebration

The humble Queen feels that her birthday deserves 2nd round of celebration :)

"Britain is celebrating their 'Queens' birthday for the second time this year. A woman who decorated Derek Wilford of the Parachute Regiment shortly after the Bloody Sunday massacre in British occupied Ireland. The same woman who knighted the ethnic cleanser of Palestine, Shimon Peres.

Of course she didn't leave out US war criminals from receiving honors; Colin Powell who covered up the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, Norman Schwarzkopf who proclaimed "Iraq's dead weren't worth counting", Ronald Reagan who shot down an Iranian civilian airliner killing 290 and Tommy Franks for his "inspirational leadership" in Iraq were all rewarded with knighthoods.

Royal handshakes often seal the deal for arms sales, the British 'Queen' herself proudly met with Suharto to assist the British Labor governments weapons peddling.

She talked of the need to "promote common values" with Britain's junior partner Saudi Arabia in an address to the Saudi King.

She awarded the colonial police force the RUC with a 'George Cross'.

And instead of Mike Jackson being prosecuted for his role in the Bloody Sunday massacre she rewarded him with honors." 

(Extract From the Crimes of Britain FB page)

Susan Nevens -- 10 June 2016

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