September 15, 2016

Why is Israel getting a payrise, in advance?

16.09. 2016 - Susan Nevens

My FB friends, fans, followers & pokers :P I have to share my thoughts, my musing, my prediction if you would.

I trust that what I have to say is less crazy than what we have been hearing from both camps in past 9 months.

I trust that what I have to say would remarkably more plausible and reasonable than the sham of Benghazi Hearing, the charade of FBI investigation and Attorney General Lynch's verdict regarding Hillary's subterranean emails and her unlawful personal server.

I am confident that what you would hear from me would be less shocking than Bernie Sanders total capitulation and/or when you'd learned that DNC and its chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the entire derailed Democratic Party caboose were in on promoting their one and only candidate, Hillary R. Clinton from the get go.

I trust what I have to say is more tenable, conceivable, and feasible than various reasons - from dehydration, overheating, stomach virus, blood clot, pneumonia to flu and allergies - which were given as diagnosis of Hillary's deteriorating health condition.

In any event I've figured there is more benefit to share my thoughts than risk being called a crazed gal :) Most of my FB friends are much smarter than me and many of them are infinitely well connected, so sharing my thoughts would perhaps help in complete the puzzle, who knows may be together we would be on to something :)

Now here is what I am thinking: On September 13, 2016 President Obama as you all most probably know signed a single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history with Israel. 
Mr. Obama's parting gift to Israel was $38 billion military aid pact beginning in 2019 and extended over 10 years or $3.8 billion per year till 2028 !! Another words Israel got almost $1 billion dollar raise, from $3.1 billion annually to $3.8 billion annually.

The fact that Tel Aviv got a raise is not curious in itself, what makes it curious are;

1. THE TIMING: After all there is no need for Mr. Obama to appease the Israeli lobby as if he is running for reelection!

2. THE FACT THAT THIS PACT DOES NOT START TILL 2019: I believe it is quite unprecedented for a sitting president to sign an aid package that would go to effect 2 years after his departure from the office!

I am thinking that the only explanation is that Obama Administration and Democratic Party are no longer confident that they would win the White House. Moreover the Democrats are not confident that the 'future President' would be as generous to Tel Aviv as they would be.

Looking back confirms that every move that Obama Administration has taken so far is very much calculated & weighted. As you remember Barack Obama did not endorse Hillary Clinton till after FBI concluded its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails AND until after he had an audience with his Attorney General Lynch prior to her announcement of her decision to bring no charges against Hillary Clinton.

I am thinking that Democrats and Obama Administration were confident that enough strings could be pulled, right alliances could be made, enough people could be silenced, and right deals could be made to address all the 'legal issues' (Benghazi, emails, DNC abandonment of Bernie Sanders, even the 'pay to play' scandal of The Clinton Foundation) surrounding Hillary Clinton. They were successful in that regard.

Democrats also thought of everything, from propping up a fake progressive so called 'Social Democrat' posing as anti-establishment Uncle Karl Marx but whose job was to excite the base and not be interested in 'Hillary's damn emails' to Donald Trump who happened to be a gift that keeps giving to the Democrats.

Between the vagina voters, the 'Never Hillary' crowd turned to 'Never Trump', 'the Blue no matter Who' gangs, Democratic Party were confident that they had Hillary Presidency in the bag.

But there were those who were not convinced, frankly there were so much crap surrounding Hillary that lately anyone with mediocre rationale had to pause. All along they knew that Hillary health problems would be the last nail on the coffin. Sure enough Hillary's deteriorating health and slew of more lies to cover up her health issues confirmed their worse nightmare, her numbers slipped.

They were those who did not trust her and now there are those who are not even confident that she would even be able to serve, with that combination it would be next to impossible to put her back on the map.

Whether or not Hillary continues her campaign after a week of rest and regardless of how much more charade they plan to present to the nation, I feel Democrats know there is no hope for them.

Too much lies, too much deceits, too many skeletons in the closet, the bull crap meter has nowhere to go, even 'benefit of doubter' crowds had their fill of lies. The show is so bad that the audience is filling out.

So I am thinking what meant to be a 'Hello Gift' from Hillary Clinton to Israel became a 'Parting Gift" from Barack Obama to Israel. Please note that I am not suggesting that the decision to make this pact was made at the behest of Hillary Clinton's fainting spells and overnight. The plan was in place, they just had to readjust the schedule, they just needed to implement it a little ahead of schedule.

The Democrats & Barack Obama Administration knows the game is over, whether Hillary has pneumonia, whether she is overheated, dehydrated, has allergies, stomach virus or flu, whether or not she brings in the Doctor note, the game is over in my opinion and action of Barack Obama confirms it.
16 Sept 2016 - Susan Nevens

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