September 15, 2016

Obama: shortest distance between the 'audacity of hope' and the 'mendacity of despair'

16 . 09 . 2016  -- by Susan Nevens

No US President has done for Israel what Barack Obama whom said once, "I feel Jewish in my soul", has done for Israel.

Talking about 'a basket of deplorable', Barack H. Obama is embodiment of deplorable, he is embodiment of hypocrisy, and he is the shortest distance between the 'audacity of hope' and the 'mendacity of despair.'

For bloody 8 years the despicable Republicans have tried to paint him as an anti-Israel President who would hold his ground against Tel Aviv traditional hijacking of the United States’ foreign policy.

BULLSHIT.......because everybody with a pulse within the Washington's Beltway knows that NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY OF THE US HAS DONE MORE FOR ISRAEL THAN BARACK H. OBAMA & THAT IS A FACT.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Colin H. Kahl wrote for Foreign Policy in August of 2012;

" … As the Defense Department official with primary responsibility for enhancing Israel’s defense capabilities and deepening joint military cooperation with the United States from 2009 to 2011, I can attest to a different reality: No president in history has done more for Israel’s security than Obama.

The case for Obama’s Israel policy begins with record-high levels of Foreign Military Financing (FMF). The Obama administration has increased security assistance to Israel every single year since the president took office, providing nearly $10 billion in aid — covering roughly a fifth of Israel’s defense budget — over the past three years. To put this in perspective, this is about 20% higher than the remaining six dozen recipients of U.S. FMF combined.

Under Obama’s direction, the United States has also deepened defense cooperation aimed at helping Israel address its most pressing security concerns, including rocket and missile threats emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. When then-Senator Obama traveled to Israel in 2008, it wasn’t for a political fundraiser. Instead, he visited Israeli victims of Palestinian rocket fire in the southern town of Sderot, declaring “I came to Sderot with a commitment to Israel’s security.” These were not just words. As president, Obama has championed efforts to provide Israel with $275 million over and above its annual FMF to help finance Iron Dome, an anti-rocket system that has already saved Israeli lives by intercepting approximately 90% of projectiles launched against protected areas in the country’s south in the past year."…/16/obama-has-been-great-for-isr…/

Speaking before Union for Reform Judaism Conference in December of 2011 Obama professes to his unshakable support for Israel by saying & getting standing ovations;

"It's hard to remember a time when the [U.S.] administration gave more support to the security of Israel. Don't let anyone to tell you otherwise. It's a fact."

Haraatz article of June, 2015 penned by Greg Rosenbaum reconfirmed THE FACTS by outlining all that President Obama had done for Israel to prove his 'unshakable commitment' ;

".....Obama’s actions prove his commitment.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Unlike Bush, who gave Israel’s Iron Dome system a frosty response, Obama has led the way in funding and supporting the research, development and production of the Iron Dome — which has been crucial in helping Israel defend itself against terrorist rocket attacks — as well as the joint U.S.-Israel missile defense systems David’s Sling, the Arrow II and Arrow III. Since 2011, the United States has provided Israel with more than $1.3 billion for the Iron Dome system alone.

The military cooperation has been so strong that in a 2012 speech to the Israel National Defense College, then-Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, “The security ties between us and the current administration are at the highest level they have ever been.”

In the international arena, under Obama’s leadership, the U.S. has fought for Israel’s full participation in the United Nations, has voted against resolutions in the General Assembly condemning Israel, cast the only “no” votes on five anti-Israel measures last year in the Human Rights Council, and worked to ensure that the General Assembly held its first-ever session on anti-Semitism. Obama also prevented the Palestinians from unilaterally declaring an independent state."

read more:

As if the Obama Administration hasn't broken the record for its 'unshakable commitment' in form of US military & Foreign Aids to Israel, as a parting gift the DEPLORABLE Barack Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history by signing a $38 billion military aid pact, $3.8 Billion per year for 10 years till 2028!! 
Mazel tov.

A deal that the US State Department boasts as a “single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history.”

Now Mr. Obama did not have to do that, it’s not as though he needs to appease the Israeli lobby because he is running for re-election! He did it because he is DEPLORABLE, because this Uncle Tom would not even be in the Oval Office if he did not take an Oath to serve his White Masters until the very last minute.

This despicable man who spoke of 'barbarianism' when the 3 Israeli teens were found dead but never spoke a word of 'barbarianism' when Israel slaughtered 2025 Palestinians (1715 of who were civilians & 551 of whom were children) during 50 days of death & destruction in 2014. This DEPLORABLE man has just armed Israel to teeth against the oppressed & occupied. That is what I call, "A BASKET OF DEPLORABLE", that is what I call, "BARBARIANISM", that is what I call "BEING INCOMPATIBLE WITH HUMANITY."…/obama-hands-israel-largest…

Do you want to know how you would be remembered Mr. President?
Do you want to know what legacy you would be leaving behind Mr. President?
Do you want to know how the conscience people of the world would judge you Mr. President?

We would remember you as America's first Black man on a White throne of oppression, a man who gave wonderful yet hollow orations about 'freedom & liberty' but he was still 'chained', he was still a 'slave' like his African ancestors and he was so impotent that he never tried to break the chain albeit having numerous chances.

You gave a parting gift to Israel Mr. President and this is my parting gift to you.....YOU ARE THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN THE AUDACITY OF HOPE & THE MENDACITY OF DESPAIR.

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