August 23, 2017

'Racism' is part and parcel of the American DNA

I think tearing down things gives some instantaneous and quick satisfaction, like they are taking a higher moral ground or something like that. The truth is 'tearing down' is a substitute for not owning to the fact that 'racism' is part and parcel of the American DNA and rearranging one's prejudices is not an answer.

Trump as racist and xenophobic as he is did not create 'Racism', he exasperated it, but you can't exacerbate what is not there.

The story of Charlottesville is the story of America renewed purge in supporting fascism. Some of us noticed and took umbrage to that when the US political establishment supported the neo-fascist movement in Ukraine and if memory serves me correctly that was during yet another US President, Barack Obama. Mr. Obama irresponsible and short sighted policies in fact empowered and encouraged the alt-right agenda and philosophy.

I am not transferring blames of course, Obama was a ghost of Christmas past and Trump is our new nightmare reality, I am just saying that most of those who are up in arms about American's fascist attitude in Charlottesville were snoozing when their political establishment under management of their Prodigal 'liberal' Son supported it in far away land of Ukraine.

What I am getting at is that we cannot support the power brokers of white supremacy in Ukraine or elsewhere internationally and then bend out of shape when there is a lack of mobilization in opposing the crude and overt white supremacists in Charlottesville.

What I am saying is that we can't have likes of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, David Cameron, etc., etc. support the crude superiority of Western civilization under cloak of Liberalism and Left and get pissed off when it rises in streets of America.

Foreign Policy is almost always Domestic and the inconvenient truth is that the right-wing policies have been enacted into law by both Democrats and Republicans at every level of government as far as memory serves.

Let us face it, as a nation we are as good as our institutions and what we saw in Charlottesville, VA stems from this invisible white supremacist ideology which has been inculcated into our cultural and educational institutions.

20 Aug 2017 - Susan Nevens


USS John S. McCain

It is quite curious to hear yet another US warship has managed to crash into a civilian merchant ship, somewhere near Singapore.

It makes one wonder how in the hell a billion dollar, satellite abled, sophisticated warship with state of art radar system and all the bells and whistles manages to find a merchant ship to crash into in an open seas! 
It seems the US Navy is suffering from the same mishaps as US Army and US Air Force which keeps bombing Syrian Army and civilians mistaking it for ISIS forces 

All I know is the last time another Navy ship the USS Vincennes mistook the lumbering Iranian Airbus A300 civilian airliner for a much smaller and faster F-14 fighter & shot it out of sky killing all 290 passengers and crew members on board by MISTAKE, its Admiral, Will C. Rogers III was awarded Legion of Merit for his "mistake" 

Incidentally the US Navy guided-missile destroyer is called USS John S. McCain, and like its name sake it is misguided, dysfunctional and waste of space.


August 20, 2017

FIVE STAGES of Government - Plato

20 Aug 2017 - Susan Nevens

I wrote the below two years ago and in the last line I mentioned the FB will remind me of this rant and I will bore my readers with it again. Well true to itself FB reminded me of it today so here you go.

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, plant, tree, child and outdoor

"Plato wrote The Republic, which is written as a collection of conversations of Plato's teacher Socrates. It gives insights into human behavior which is amazingly similar to today. Described in Books 8 and 9, Plato basically describes how 'Democracy' will eventually pave the road for 'Tyranny' as he exquisitely wrote;

"States are as the men are; they grow out of human characters.....Like State, like man."

Plato further described government going through FIVE STAGES:

"We count as one Royal and Aristocratical..." followed by "Timocratical, Oligarchical, Democratical, Tyrannical."

Plato's FIRST stage was called 'Royal' or "Aristocracy...whom we rightly call just and good." This is government by hard-working, virtuous LOVERS OF 'TRUTH' and 'WISDOM.' These responsible individuals know how to run farms and businesses, and they know how to run city government.

Aristocratical ruler is described as; "A ruler considers...always what is for the interest of his subject...and that alone he considers in everything which he says and does."

The SECOND stage, Plato called "Timocracy." This was a government run by LOVERS OF 'HONOR' and 'FAME, where Plato wrote:

"Now what man answers to this form of government... He is a lover of honor; claiming to be a ruler...Busy-bodies are honored and applauded..."

"The love of honor turns to love of money; the conversion is instantaneous."

"Because they have no means of openly acquiring the money which they prize; they will spend that which is another man's."

This turns into Plato's THIRD stage - an insider clique, a ruling class, called an "OLIGARCHY." These are LOVERS OF 'MONEY' and 'GAIN.' They seek money to get into office, then once elected they funnel money and favors to family, friends, constituents and supporters who in turn help them stay in power. The insider ruling class raises taxes on everyone except themselves. They pass laws, but exempt themselves.

In regards to this stage Plato wrote:

"They invent illegal modes of expenditure; for what do they or their wives care about the law? Their fondness for money makes them unwilling to pay taxes...And so they grow richer and richer... the less they think of virtue and the virtuous are dishonored..."

"Insatiable avarice is the ruling passion of an oligarchy..."

"And what are the defects? Inevitable division, two States, the one of poor, the other of rich men; and they are always conspiring against one another..."

"The rulers, being aware that their power rests upon their wealth, refuse to curtail the extravagance of the spendthrift youth because they gain by their ruin."

"They gain by the ruin of extravagant youth..."

"The ruling class do not want remedies; they care only for money, and are as careless of virtue as the poorest of the citizens. They hate and conspire against those who have got their property, and against everybody else, and are eager for revolution."

As frustration grows, the people finally throw out the oligarchs and set up the FOURTH stage - "DEMOCRACY."

Plato wrote;
"Next comes democracy and the democratic man, out of the oligarchical man..."

"From the least cause, or with none at all, the city falls ill and fights a battle for life or death. And democracy comes into power when the poor are the victors, killing some and exiling some, and giving equal shares in the government to all the rest..."

Plato continued:
"The great charm is, that you may do as you like; you may govern if you like, let it alone if you like; go to war and make peace if you feel disposed, and all quite irrespective of anybody else."

"Observe, too, how grandly Democracy sets her foot upon all our fine theories of education,--how little she cares for the training of her statesmen!..."

"Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike..."

"Freedom as they tell you in a democracy, is the glory of the State..."

Plato warned that unrestrained freedom would eventually lead to licentiousness.

"Can liberty have any limit? Certainly not...By degrees the anarchy finds a way into private houses...Citizens chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority, they will have no one over them...Such is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny...Liberty overmasters democracy...The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery...And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty... "

Plato warned that since the people have no experience running a government, they will follow the example of preceding leaders and yield to AVARICE. They will vote to spread the city's wealth around till the treasury is empty. Then they will vote to take money from the rich:

"Democracy of which the insatiable desire brings her to dissolution... Insatiable desire and neglect introduces the change in democracy, which occasions a demand for tyranny..."

"Does not tyranny spring from democracy?"

Plato described how unrestrained passions lead to financial irresponsibility. With not enough money to go around, bickering and fighting result, leading to chaos and anarchy. Then people will begin to look for someone to come along and fix this mess?

And that is the FIFTH stage - "TYRANNY."

Plato wrote;
"Last of all comes the tyrant...In the early days of his power, he is full of smiles, and he salutes every one whom he meets, making promises in public and also in private, liberating debtors, and distributing land to the people and his followers, and wanting to be so kind and good to every one...This is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears above ground he is a protector...Hinting at the abolition of debts and partition of lands, he begins to make a party against the rich..."

"...that they may be impoverished by payment of taxes, and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and therefore less likely to conspire against him?..."

"And when a man who is wealthy and is also accused of being an enemy of the people sees, he flees and is not ashamed to be a coward..."

Plato explained that "the protector" then yields to AVARICE and uses his newly acquired power to target his political opponents:

"And the protector of the people, having a mob entirely at his disposal, he is not restrained from shedding the blood of kinsmen; by the favorite method of false accusation he brings them into court and murders them, making the life of man to disappear, and with unholy tongue and lips tasting the blood of his fellow citizen..."

"And if any of them are suspected by him of having notions of freedom, and of resistance to his authority, he will have a good pretext for destroying them..."

Plato continued:

"How then does a protector begin to change into a tyrant?"

"He begins to grow unpopular...Then comes the famous request for a bodyguard, which is the device of all those who have got thus far in their tyrannical career ....And the protector of whom we spoke, is to be seen the over-thrower of many, standing up in the chariot of State with the reins in his hand, no longer protector, but tyrant absolute...The lion and serpent element in them disproportionately grows and gains strength..."

Plato described how the tyrant would keep power:

"The tyrant must be always getting up a war..."

"He is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader..."

And of course the attached photo is the cause of the above unleashed rant the real image from the days when America were spreading Democracy in Vietnam.....we are either on the road to Tyranny, or gathering from words of Plato we can perhaps say that we have already arrived.......something never seem to change.

May be two years from today, FB will remind me of this rant and how I bored everyone to tears




I’ve learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides.
I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to react than it is to think.
I’ve learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I’ve learned that maturity has more to do with the types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
I’ve learned that quantity is not as important as quality when it comes to best friends.
I’ve learned that it isn’t enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I’ve learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world will not stop for your grief.
I’ve learned that background and circumstances might have influenced who you are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I’ve learned although the word “love” can have many meanings, it is one of those things that the more you give the more you have.
I’ve learned that no matter how old or wise you think you are, life never stops teaching.
I've learned that the more I learn the more I realize that there are much more to learn......

Image may contain: one or more people

God Bless The United States of Amnesia

I think tearing down things gives some instantaneous and quick satisfaction, like they are taking a higher moral ground or something like that. The truth is 'tearing down' is a substitute for not owning to the fact that 'racism' is part and parcel of the American DNA and rearranging one's prejudices is not an answer.

Trump as racist and xenophobic as he is did not create 'Racism', he exasperated it, but you can't exasperate what is not there.

God Bless The United States of Amnesia.

The story of Charlottesville is the story of America renewed purge in supporting fascism. Some of us noticed that and took umbrage to that when the US political establishment supported the neo-fascist movement in Ukraine and that if memory serves me correctly was during yet another US President, Barack Obama. Mr. Obama irresponsible and short sighted policy in fact empowered and encouraged the alt-right agenda and philosophy.

I am not transferring blames of course, Obama was a ghost of Christmas past and Trump is our new nightmare reality, I am just saying that most of those who are up in arms about American's fascist attitude in Charlottesville were snoozing when their political establishment under management of their Prodigal 'liberal' Son supported it in far away land of Ukraine.

What I am getting at is that we cannot support the power brokers of white supremacy in Ukraine or elsewhere internationally and then bend out of shape when there is a lack of mobilization in opposing the crude and overt white supremacists in Charlottesville.

What I am saying is that we can't have likes of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, David Cameron, etc., etc. support the crude superiority of Western civilization under cloak of Liberalism and Left and get pissed off when it rises in streets of America.

Foreign Policy is almost always Domestic and the inconvenient truth is; as far as I remember the right-wing policies have been enacted into law by both Democrats and Republicans at every level of government.

We are as good as our institutions and what we saw in Charlottesville, VA stems from this invisible white supremacist ideology which has been inculcated into our cultural and educational institutions.

20 Aug 2017 - Susan Nevens

August 12, 2017

When and why we became voice of Palestinians

I am thinking let us share our story, let us share when and why we became voice of Palestinians. My Palestinian friends should also be encouraged to share their personal story.
It is through sharing that we see the human side of this century old conflict.

I also encourage my Jewish friends (and I have quiet a few well respected Jewish friends) to share their stories candidly and honestly.

Let us stick to the human side of the story, let us not politicize it, for once let us not categorize and compartmentalize ourselves to groups, Arabs, Muslims, Jewish, Israeli, Palestinians....let us just be a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a friend, we are all one part of this big group.

Let us for once leave Rothschild, denial of Holocaust and human suffering, 'two-state solution', 'Peace Talk', etc. aside and stay human. I think it will do us a lot of good, there will never going to be a 'political bridge' but there will always be a 'human bridge' that we can build.

Moses and Shepherd - Poem by Rumi

by Susan Nevens

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Here is an English translation of a poem by Rumi (a work in progress), a Ghaseedeh (Elegy or Ode) as it is called because it tells a story. Even for a non-believer like me this poem and its message is deeply profound and touching and of course it is more profound in Farsi but I've tried to stay true to the original.

It speaks of spirituality and evades conformity and religious dogma, which is a true essence of Molana. Rumi's trademark is taking the Islamic tradition of its time and through his verses teach us humility, farsightedness and generosity. That is why I feel that he is second to none. No wonder that Turks and Afghans claim him as their own, but he belongs to all of us :)

It is called; "Moses and Shepherd" and as its title suggests is a story of a Shepherd who is speaking to his God in his own way while herding his flock of sheep.

Moses speaking as the bearer of the Commandments hears the Shepherd's prayer and quickly denounces such prattle as blasphemy and rebukes an illiterate shepherd for his utterance and harshly chastises him and Shepherd wanders off deeply saddened.

God the Omnipresent reveals that by this action Moses has torn a servant of God from the presence of God...Moses then goes after the shepherd to console him, only to find that the shepherd's pure intentions have made him take this rebuke to heart, and have caused him to climb to a higher rung on the ladder of spiritual ascent.

Moses and Shepherd

by: Molana Jalal-e-Din Mohammad Molavi Rumi

On the path Moses came upon a shepherd
His prayers with his God he overheard.
Where are you so your needs I can serve
Mend your shoes, your hair comb, curl & curve.
Wash your clothes, kill your lice, pick your nits
Bring you milk, while your Majesty just sits.
Kiss your lovely hands, and rub your tiny feet
When it is time to sleep, sweep your room, make it neat.
For you I will sacrifice all my goats
Thinking of you I shout and sing my notes.

The shepherd is this manner went on and on
Moses asked, who do you talk to my son?
Said to the only One who gave me birth
Did the same with the skies and this earth.

Said Moses, poor man, you just ruined your luck
Not yet found God, infidel, you are stuck.
You blaspheme, you babble such idle talk
Gag yourself, inside your mouth stick a sock.

Of your blasphemy, the whole world now stinks
Piety in mire and muck now sinks.
Sandals and leggings are what you deserve
Wanting all these for the One, you have some nerve.

If at once you do not hold your tongue
Fire and brimstone will burn so strong
If there is no fire, then whence the smoke?
Soul is blackened and spirit is broke.

Did you know that God himself will be the Judge?
Your belief and insolence will make him grudge.
Mindless friendship is no more than enmity
God has such servant for as long as eternity.

Who do you think you address? Uncle or aunt?
For Glorious One, body and need don't count.
He who drinks milk needs to be growing up
Shoes are but for the feet that need to walk or hop.

If you speak of these, say for creatures
What God said, he is me, I, his features.
He who thus speaks, will roll in disease
As well as he, I too have lost my ease.

He who has lost hearing as well as sight
This disease is much worse, with endless fright.
If you call him Fatima, a woman's name
Though in creation, they are both the same
Will seek vengeance with blood, and will blame
Although compassionate, kind and perhaps tame.

Fatima, for a woman is only praise
For a man, spear wound, set ablaze.
Arms and legs our features define and paint
Yet for Almighty God, pollute and taint.

What the Almighty deserves is only praise
Parent & child, he will give birth and raze.
Whatever has a body, birth must own
And what is born, on this side is thrown.
Everything in existence in this world
Is caused and no doubt will unfold.

Said, Moses, you have now cut my tongue
I repent, cause you have made my soul wrong.
Rent his own shirt, steamed and sighed
Unto the arid desert fled and cried.

God's voice came to Moses at that time
Separating our lovers is a crime.
You have come with the purpose to join & heal
Not sever and differences reveal.
Keep away with all your might from making part
Creatures begrudge each other and depart.

To each I have given a unique face
And a way to express and embrace.
For him all my praise , for you the blame
For him all sweetness, poison your game.

We transcend cleanliness and things vile
Tardiness, agility, foolishness, guile.
I do not profit from what I demand
For their own goodness comes every command.

Hindis in their own tongue God will praise
Sindis in prayer their arms will raise.
I do not become cleansed from counting beads
Rosary clears and lightens their needs.

We do not hear complaints of their ordeal
We look inside & see what their souls reveal.
We observe and can see the humble heart
Although much arrogance tongue may impart.

Since the heart is the essence, to transform
It's motive, to give birth to shape and form.
How many words, adjectives and metaphors
I want fire, burn with fire, burn in scores.

Fire of Love sets your heart and soul ablaze
Every thought and every word scorch, erase.
Moses, although proper and nice may be some
Others with soul on fire may have come.

The lovers, with each breath once again burn
In a ruined city, you can't tax and earn.
If his word is wrong, do not say that he lies
Washing the martyr's blood, purpose defies.

This blood, every water will exceed
This sin supersedes every good deed.
Inside the Kaaba, which way to face?
Footwear for the diver has no place.

Guidance of he drunkards do not seek
Of mending shirts to renders don't speak.
Nation of Love is other than religion
For Lovers, God is nation, faith and region.
Without love, those ruby lips are just a fad
In the ocean of sorrows love ain't sad.

In Moses' head God then planted the seed
Of hidden secrets that no mind could breed
With many stories, his heart would feed
That sound and sight and sense easily exceed.
Any more explanation is just insane
Giving more information will be in vain.
If I say, it will uproot every mind
If I write, pen after pen it will grind.

When Moses heard the Lord's harsh reprimand
Ran after the old shepherd over the sand.
Footprints of the shepherd he would trace
Dust and wind of the desert gladly brace.

Agitated steps of one like he
Apart from other prints one can see.
One step, just like a rook, straight and long
Another, just like a knight, aside flung.

Sometimes will rise up, like a tall wave
Other times, like a crawling fish behave
Sometimes writes of his state upon the sand
Like a fortune-teller, opening his hand.

Finally Moses found him, ended his search
With good tidings for shepherd to rest and perch.
Seek no ceremony, system or rule
To deny your aching heart will be cruel.
Your blasphemy is faith, light of the soul
You are saved, and the world is in control.
You are exempt from the rules of the Lord
Opening your heart and soul, you can afford.

Said, Moses this too, I have passed by
I drown in bloody tears that I cry.
I've long passed that intoxicant tree
Hundred thousand years back, was set free.
I cracked my whip and my horse returned
Made this great dome that fate overturned.
Keeper of worldly secrets is the divine
I hail the very hands that made mine.
Yet now, my state defies speech
nay, not mine, it's out of reach.

The image in the mirror that you see
Is your own reflection, and not me.
The breath that all breathers inhale
Is worthy of the lungs, yet souls fail.
If you praise or say thanks in loud cries
Like the old shepherd, you will see your demise.
Even if all your praises are better
Compared to God's mercy, they won't matter.

Say no more, cause when the veil is pulled aside
Whatever they thought was, will not abide.
God accepts you praises from his grace
Permits you to pray, while a stone you face.
His prayers with blood are entwined
Your praise, impure images have defined.

Blood may be vile, yet in water dissolves
But impurities of soul, nothing resolves.
This can be cleaned only by god's grace
Else remains inside the man of disgrace.
In prostration I wish you turned your face
Understood meaning of divine grace.

How can I praise when my soul I taint?
Unless I punish evil with the goodness of a saint.
This earth, just like God, is kind and meek
Absorbs every dirt, yet flowers peak.
Till it covers evils in its mud
Instead, it yields flowers that bud.
Infidel surrendered his life in trust
Became worthless, descended lower than dust.
His essence flower and fruit did not yield
Gave up evil to earth, and his goodness shield.
Said I've gone backwards, in going away

I envy dirt and dust, the price I pay
I wish I'd never risen from clay
Like clay, with seeds I'd rather play.
This journey my soul has tested and tried
What gains this journey brought to my side?
He desires to return to the clay
he who sees no benefits coming his way.

To turn back, is nothing but his greed
To go forth, can only stem from his need.
Each plant that is seeking to reach its height
Increase, vitality, growth its right.
Whenever it turns around towards the earth
Will face drought, disease, even dearth.
And when your soul is looking above
It can only increase in its love;
If you look towards the earth for your wage
You're a bird that is trapped inside a cage.

Susan Nevens  - 12 Aug 2017

Link to original the Facebook Post: 

August 11, 2017

Birthright Israel

Susan Nevens - 11 Aug 2017

The other day I was talking to a friend, a new friend, a young lady who is intelligent, educated and by profession a Therapist. Just yesterday she'd mentioned to me that she is taking a two weeks off for summer vacation and was looking forward to it. I was happy for her.

I asked her if she is planning to go somewhere and she said; "yes" and that she is going to Israel with her two sisters for 10 days.

I asked; "Are you Jewish?"
She said that her mom is Jewish, to which I said; 'then you ARE Jewish.'

I asked if she is visiting her extended family in Israel.

She said 'no', in fact she said that she has never been to Israel and in fact this trip which would be with a group of people is a 'Birth Right Tour.'

I asked; "What is that?"

She said; "Israeli government pays for the whole trip which is offered to those who have Jewish ancestry, everything is paid for by Israeli government for the entire 10 days !"

I have heard of such arrangement before but I've personally never knew first hand of anyone who actually confirmed what I heard, till yesterday.

Fancy that, a young lady whose mother is a Jew and has never been to Israel is paid to go and see the land she has never been part of but a Palestinian who has been driven off his or her land has no right of return!

I have also heard (read in Haaretz) that Israeli government offers financial incentives for Jews around the world to move and live in the Settlements in the West Bank.

In fact to the article in Haaretz, "almost 70% of the settlements are classified as ‘Priority A’ areas for which the Israeli government provides a subsidized loan of $15,400 to people to move & live there. Half of this amount becomes a grant after fifteen years.

To illustrate how settlers receive incentives to move to Palestinian lands one needs only to look at the subsidies granted for agricultural investment projects in the settlements through the World Zionist Organization (WZO), which is funded heavily by the Israeli government. It is estimated by Swirski that between 2000 and 2002 alone, USD 110 million was spent by the WZO on agricultural projects in the settlements. In addition, the government finances the establishment of industrial zones in Palestine for the benefit of the settlers. According to an estimate by the economist and former official in Israel’s Finance Ministry Dror Tsaban, state subsidies of up to $66.2 million were provided for this purpose between 1997 and 2001. The government also provides subsidies for housing in the settlements. The distribution of loans and grants to settlers to buy real estate reached $1.12 billion between 1990 and 1999, says Swirski.

Settlers who have a permanent address in a settlement receive a discount in income tax. The Haaretz newspaper calculated that settlers received discounts in income tax worth a total of $1.13 billion from 1967 until 2003. Other estimates double that amount.

Another example of how the government provides incentives to Jews to move to Palestine is that schools in the settlements receive more state funding than average schools inside Israel. Incentives to teachers, transportation for children and fewer pupils per classroom all contribute to the excess expenditure on education in the settlements.

According to Relly Saar, a research journalist at the worker’s rights organization Kav LaOved in Israel, the extra funds amounted to $27 million in 2003 alone."

Now you tell me if there is anymore effective way to colonize the lands that Israel pursuing a policy of extensive subsidies to encourage Jews around the world to live in the settlements in Palestine?

Tell me how throwing stones at Israeli tanks and IDF would be an effective way to address this intricately financially and logistically supported colonization.

It is a sad sad state of affairs my friends.......another Holocaust that has been taking place for the last 7 decades right in front of the world community.


Birthright Israel

The Birthright Israel program was initiated in 1994 and founded in cooperation with Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt, as well as the Israeli government, private donors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, and Jewish communities around the world.[5] Tours are held in the winter and summer, for which demand is very high. Registration is conducted online and each round there are usually thousands more applicants than spaces available.[1]

In 2007, annual capacity was increased to 20,000 participants a year.[6] That year, Sheldon Adelson pledged $25 million to Birthright Israel to take applicants off waiting lists and to increase annual capacity from 25,000 to 37,000 in 2007 and 2008.[6] The Adelson Family Foundation has contributed many millions of US dollars annually to Birthright Israel since 2007.[7] In 2011, he pledged an additional $5 million toward the effort. In 2013, Adelson doubled his past annual commitment to Birthright Israel, announcing a $20 million challenge grant that will match new and increased gifts or pledges through 2015. This raises Adelson's total support of the program to over $250 million as of February 2015.[8]

Eligible individuals are those who have at least one parent of recognized Jewish descent and who do not actively practice another religion, between the ages 18 to 26, post-high-school, who have neither traveled to Israel before on a peer educational trip or study program past the age of 18 nor have lived in Israel past the age of 12.[9]

A Taglit-Birthright Israel trip includes airfare from major cities, hotels, most meals, all transportation within Israel, and costs associated with touring the country for the ten-day trip. A US$250 deposit is required which is refunded upon return from the trip. Airfare or transportation from a participant's home to the gateway city is not included, although the trips depart from multiple cities.
Trip organizers

Trips are organized by different organizations and companies accredited by Taglit-Birthright Israel, which sets the logistical, educational, and security standards. All groups are led by licensed Israeli tour guides, all groups are accompanied by an armed security guard, and include visits to the Western Wall and Yad Vashem, as well as other sites determined by Taglit-Birthright Israel. Tours may vary according to age group and the religious background of the participants. Trips may be geared for graduate students, undergraduates at a particular university, participants from a particular city, participants who identify with a particular stream of Judaism, hiking enthusiasts and so on.[10]

El Al, Israel's largest airline company, is the major operator of the trips' flights.[11][12]

Getting involved in plight of Palestinians

Susan Neven - 11 Aug 2017

People often ask me how and when did I get involve in plight of Palestinians, privately I have answered that question but I think it is time to tell the story publicly.

It was 1982 and I just graduated from University and have started my first job and that was in Pennsylvania.

I was using public transportation commuting back and forth to work and there were a few faces that I would see every morning and every afternoon sharing the same public transit so etiquette dictated offer of a smile and a quick hi. Among these few faces was a young girl, same age as me around 20, very pretty and with a bright and ever present smile. I don't remember if it was me or her who initiated a conversation but we became friend. She asked me where I was originally from and I asked her likewise. She said she was from Palestine.

I knew of Palestine growing up, every evening watched the news of the Arab/Israeli conflict with my late grandmother growing up in Tehran, it was era of Moshe Dyan and Golda Meir and I remembered my grandma's tearing eyes but were too young to know what she was crying about.

Suad became my first Palestinian friend, she told me that she came to the States with her mom in a prior year after living in Jordan for few years as a refugee. I asked her how did she end up in Jordan, and she told me the story that was utterly shocking to me at the time but have become a common place story 35 years later.

As it happened Suad who had lost her dad when she was young was living with her mom and as she explained there was a knock on their door one night and they were told by an Israeli soldier that they have to move by the next day.
She said a similar notification were issued to the whole neighborhood and that is what they did, just packed a small suitcase and left before dawn leaving everything behind! They'd eventually ended up in Jordan and lived there for few years till her brother who was living in the US (Pennsylvania) arranged for them to come to the States. She considered herself lucky, she'd learned English and found a job.

I on the other hand could not wrap my head around what she had gone through, it was unimaginable story to me, a twenty year old girl. Needless to say Suad's story has forever changed me. I got to know her mom, her brother, got to taste her mom's fabulous cooking of wonderful Palestinian cuisine and when my mom came to the States to visit me, we invited Suad and her family for some Persian food.

It was through Suad that I learned about perseverance, resilience, and hope. She thought me beauty of life as well as ugliness of human beings. I became Suad, I became a Palestinian, and see Suad in every Palestinian face even since then.

We stayed in touch for a long time even after I moved to California but while I eventually lost touch with Suad I did not lose touch with Palestine. For the last 35 years I have been the voice and plight of Suad. Long Live Palestine.

Susan Neven - 11 Aug 2017

August 09, 2017

US's irresponsible Foreign Policy & International Relations

Susan Nevens - 9 Aug 2017

For George Bush it was 'Shock & Awe,' for Donald Trump it is 'Fire & Fury,', and for Barack Obama...... well he was busy on so many fronts that he didn't have time to give them names and we came very close to wage a "humanitarian war" on Syria.

Of course anyone with modicum knowledge of the US irresponsible Foreign Policy & International Relations knows that since the end of the WWII America did not choose to bank on the Peace dividend. In fact the US became the ONLY nation which has USED and ABUSED its nuclear weapons capability against human beings not to mention the carnage from conventional and chemical weapons (Agent Orange) in Vietnam.

Speaking of Nam, today I was amused by one of the Nam's collateral damages, Senator John McCain, whom many Americans see as their national and patriotic hero, taking aim at President Trump's recent fiery rhetoric on North Korea, claiming his words will only ratchet up the heat for a possible confrontation.

Fancy that! John McCain, a man who has never seen a War he did not like......Imagine that! The same fellow who sang "bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran", the supporter of the "Shock & Awe" in Iraq and Operation Get a Load of Us in first Gulf War ;) The vermin who was disappointed when Obama Administration decided against dropping a few "humanitarian" Patriot Missiles on Syria.
John McCain, A Dead Man Walking, is taking 'exception' to the President's comment, not because it is IRRESPONSIBLE but because as he said; "you gotta be able to do what you say you're gonna do!" To put it politely, a nation whose hero is John McCain is a patently confused nation.

As Martin Luther King once said; "The United States is the greatest purveyors of violence in the world today.” MLK is of course no longer with us but had he be around he would've revised his statement to; "THE ONE & ONLY greatest purveyor of violence in the world."

Madness is not "Liberal", "Conservative," or "Progressive", MADNESS is American and the US political establishment and the US Congress have been behaving like bacteria unable to stop its exponential growth.

Susan Nevens - 9 Aug 2017

Original Faccbook Post:
