August 11, 2017

Birthright Israel

Susan Nevens - 11 Aug 2017

The other day I was talking to a friend, a new friend, a young lady who is intelligent, educated and by profession a Therapist. Just yesterday she'd mentioned to me that she is taking a two weeks off for summer vacation and was looking forward to it. I was happy for her.

I asked her if she is planning to go somewhere and she said; "yes" and that she is going to Israel with her two sisters for 10 days.

I asked; "Are you Jewish?"
She said that her mom is Jewish, to which I said; 'then you ARE Jewish.'

I asked if she is visiting her extended family in Israel.

She said 'no', in fact she said that she has never been to Israel and in fact this trip which would be with a group of people is a 'Birth Right Tour.'

I asked; "What is that?"

She said; "Israeli government pays for the whole trip which is offered to those who have Jewish ancestry, everything is paid for by Israeli government for the entire 10 days !"

I have heard of such arrangement before but I've personally never knew first hand of anyone who actually confirmed what I heard, till yesterday.

Fancy that, a young lady whose mother is a Jew and has never been to Israel is paid to go and see the land she has never been part of but a Palestinian who has been driven off his or her land has no right of return!

I have also heard (read in Haaretz) that Israeli government offers financial incentives for Jews around the world to move and live in the Settlements in the West Bank.

In fact to the article in Haaretz, "almost 70% of the settlements are classified as ‘Priority A’ areas for which the Israeli government provides a subsidized loan of $15,400 to people to move & live there. Half of this amount becomes a grant after fifteen years.

To illustrate how settlers receive incentives to move to Palestinian lands one needs only to look at the subsidies granted for agricultural investment projects in the settlements through the World Zionist Organization (WZO), which is funded heavily by the Israeli government. It is estimated by Swirski that between 2000 and 2002 alone, USD 110 million was spent by the WZO on agricultural projects in the settlements. In addition, the government finances the establishment of industrial zones in Palestine for the benefit of the settlers. According to an estimate by the economist and former official in Israel’s Finance Ministry Dror Tsaban, state subsidies of up to $66.2 million were provided for this purpose between 1997 and 2001. The government also provides subsidies for housing in the settlements. The distribution of loans and grants to settlers to buy real estate reached $1.12 billion between 1990 and 1999, says Swirski.

Settlers who have a permanent address in a settlement receive a discount in income tax. The Haaretz newspaper calculated that settlers received discounts in income tax worth a total of $1.13 billion from 1967 until 2003. Other estimates double that amount.

Another example of how the government provides incentives to Jews to move to Palestine is that schools in the settlements receive more state funding than average schools inside Israel. Incentives to teachers, transportation for children and fewer pupils per classroom all contribute to the excess expenditure on education in the settlements.

According to Relly Saar, a research journalist at the worker’s rights organization Kav LaOved in Israel, the extra funds amounted to $27 million in 2003 alone."

Now you tell me if there is anymore effective way to colonize the lands that Israel pursuing a policy of extensive subsidies to encourage Jews around the world to live in the settlements in Palestine?

Tell me how throwing stones at Israeli tanks and IDF would be an effective way to address this intricately financially and logistically supported colonization.

It is a sad sad state of affairs my friends.......another Holocaust that has been taking place for the last 7 decades right in front of the world community.


Birthright Israel

The Birthright Israel program was initiated in 1994 and founded in cooperation with Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt, as well as the Israeli government, private donors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, and Jewish communities around the world.[5] Tours are held in the winter and summer, for which demand is very high. Registration is conducted online and each round there are usually thousands more applicants than spaces available.[1]

In 2007, annual capacity was increased to 20,000 participants a year.[6] That year, Sheldon Adelson pledged $25 million to Birthright Israel to take applicants off waiting lists and to increase annual capacity from 25,000 to 37,000 in 2007 and 2008.[6] The Adelson Family Foundation has contributed many millions of US dollars annually to Birthright Israel since 2007.[7] In 2011, he pledged an additional $5 million toward the effort. In 2013, Adelson doubled his past annual commitment to Birthright Israel, announcing a $20 million challenge grant that will match new and increased gifts or pledges through 2015. This raises Adelson's total support of the program to over $250 million as of February 2015.[8]

Eligible individuals are those who have at least one parent of recognized Jewish descent and who do not actively practice another religion, between the ages 18 to 26, post-high-school, who have neither traveled to Israel before on a peer educational trip or study program past the age of 18 nor have lived in Israel past the age of 12.[9]

A Taglit-Birthright Israel trip includes airfare from major cities, hotels, most meals, all transportation within Israel, and costs associated with touring the country for the ten-day trip. A US$250 deposit is required which is refunded upon return from the trip. Airfare or transportation from a participant's home to the gateway city is not included, although the trips depart from multiple cities.
Trip organizers

Trips are organized by different organizations and companies accredited by Taglit-Birthright Israel, which sets the logistical, educational, and security standards. All groups are led by licensed Israeli tour guides, all groups are accompanied by an armed security guard, and include visits to the Western Wall and Yad Vashem, as well as other sites determined by Taglit-Birthright Israel. Tours may vary according to age group and the religious background of the participants. Trips may be geared for graduate students, undergraduates at a particular university, participants from a particular city, participants who identify with a particular stream of Judaism, hiking enthusiasts and so on.[10]

El Al, Israel's largest airline company, is the major operator of the trips' flights.[11][12]

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