May 21, 2016

Virginia State Senator Richard Black: The Origins of the Syrian War ]

Hat tip to Virginia Senator Richard Black.

This article must be read by all those who attributed the destabilization of Syria to "civil/domestic war" and considered anyone who argued otherwise, a Russian propagandist.

Well Mr. Black is a US Senator and he might be the first of his kind to start singing like a bird but I reckon he won't be the last one coming forward, one by one they would be stepping forward, sort of in a way of redeeming themselves. It is a 'redemption season' after all, end of one era (Barack Obama) and beginning of another equally corrupt, deceitful & trigger happy individual to be at helm of this empire of doom.

Susan Nevens - 22 May 2016

Hillary Declares Herself Winner, voters and FBI be damned


Since the discovery of Hillary Clinton’s private subterranean email server, she has trivialized the magnitude of the situation, claiming that the FBI investigation into her potentially criminal behavior is just a routine security check-up and ''security inquiry."

But evidently FBI Director James Comey sees the situation very differently from Clinton and is adamant that the investigation being conducted by his team is, in fact, an "investigation."

Comey as you would hear him say in a attached audio clip admits that he has not heard 'security inquiry' before wink emoticon

Director James Comey: “I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry.’ We’re conducting an investigation. That’s what we do., it’s in our name.”

Despite the fact that Clinton believes she has done nothing wrong and has never put national security in jeopardy, it is a fact that more than 2,100 of her emails have been deemed “classified.” However, Clinton still states that none of the messages were marked classified at the time she received them tongue emoticon

Oh yeah, they were not classified at the time, but they became classified after the fact and shortly there after wink emoticon

Anyhow it seems to me that not only Mrs. Clinton feels that Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION (FBI) is not doing any 'investigation' but an 'inquiry' into her illegal activity - such as jeopardizing the United States National Security' but she also claims that it has already been decided that she would be a nominee, and that she is not a 'presumptive nominee' but a 'matter of fact nominee."

So I suppose California with its 38.8 million population and New Jersey with its 9 million population are wasting the Nation's time holding their primary on June 7th ;)

Queen Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Lady in Waiting, is hoping that she can pull this one over the American voters too, may be she can, who knows? As Big Al as in Einstein once said;
"Two things are infinite: the universe & human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

May 20, 2016

Poll: Two-thirds of US would struggle to cover $1,000 crisis ]
"Two-thirds of Americans would have difficulty coming up with the money to cover a $1,000 emergency, according to an exclusive poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research"
This is a kind of a poll that should be shared not whether a corrupt Hillary Clinton who gets paid quarter of million dollars for an hour speech to Goldman Sachs would be able to beat the loudmouth multi million dollar real estate tycoon whose companies hire 3 for price of 1 illegal aliens and speaks of building a wall.

Do we begin to understand what it means when 2/3 of Americans struggle in order to cover a $1000?

It means 2 out of 3 Americans (those with income, those without are already in crises) are $1000 away from living in the street. It means 2 out of every 3 Americans lives from paycheck to pay checks.

The the same 2 out of 3 Americans are wondering which of the multi-millionaire presidential candidates would be best choice to represent their interests or even understand them.

America you might think that you are 'exceptional' but you are 'exceptionally' not too bright.

America fear of terrorism should be last of your fears, those who are terrorizing you - at least economically - are being paid by your tax dollars to do it. Your enemies are not Muslim Fundamentalists from clear across the world in another continent, your enemies are in Washington DC, walking around in the Halls of the US Congress.

Your enemies are in Legislative Branch, in Executive Branch, in Judiciary Branch. You are exactly where you started over 250 years ago, serfs who have been taxed without representation.

Don't ask what you can do for your country, ask what your country has done for you, working like a dog/40 hrs a week and not being able to cover $1000 in case of emergency!


The words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains'' from his dramatic opening lines to his immensely powerful treatise "The Social Contract" is aptly applicable as Americans who credit themselves for being 'free' are in chains everywhere one looks.
Susan Nevens - 21 May 2016

Poll: Two-thirds of US would struggle to cover $1,000 crisis
In this Wednesday, May 18, 2016, photo, Mitchell Timme works from his laptop computer at his home in Phoenix. Two-thirds of Americans would have difficulty coming up with the money to cover a $1,000 emergency, according to an exclusive poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Timme said that his wages have remained basically flat for the last few years while his cost of living has increased. Once everything is paid “there’s nothing left to save,” he said. (AP Photo/Matt York)

May 18, 2016

Lizzie the British Queen..


LOL........Evidently Lizzy the white woman in $1,000,000 hat and another few million dollar bling, bejeweled by African and Asian colonially looted Rubies, Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires and Gold gave her "most gracious speech" to both Houses of Parliament by which she instructs the poor to live within their means!

Ahhhh, that utterly precious and unmistakable display of warmth and compassion which has been the trademark of British Royal Family.

But how can we fault Lizzy, she is British after all and Brits reserve their passion for their Dogs and Horses wink emoticon

Some excerpts from her majesty 'most gracious' speech;

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

~ My ministers will continue to bring the public finances under control so that Britain lives within its means, and to move to a higher wage and lower welfare economy where work is rewarded.

~ Measures will be brought forward to create the right for every household to access high speed broadband.

This one ^^ is sort of like the mythical story of Marie Antoinette telling the mob of starving (for lack of bread) French peasants, “let them eat cake!” Madam Windsor puts the 'right of access to high speed broadband for every household' above right to not starve wink emoticon

~ To tackle poverty and the causes of deprivation, including family instability, addiction and debt, my government will introduce new indicators for measuring life chances. Legislation will be introduced to establish a soft drinks industry levy to help tackle childhood obesity.

^^ Her government will introduce ''new indicator'' to measure poverty and causes of deprivation' instead of actually tackling poverty wink emoticon and oh yes, new taxes on soft drinks consumed by those porky, naughty children, that is how we tackle poverty and increase 'life chances.'

Enough said.......

Susan Nevens - 19 May 2016

Israeli made president Brazil's Central Bank

New President of the Central Bank of Brazil Ilan Goldfein

[,7340,L-4803273,00.html] terribly convenient to announce a new appointment of Israeli Ilan Goldfein, who was chief economist to Brazil’s largest private bank, to now become PRESIDENT OF THE BRAZIL'S CENTRAL BANK.

That is what I call the Neoliberal restoration of Brazil sick economy, an Israeli/IMF and Brazilian Central Bank coming together.

But I think putting an Israeli in charge of the Brazil Central Bank is in someway showing a middle finger at Dilma.

To refresh your memory at the end of last year (December 2015) President Dilma Rousseff refused to confirm the appointment of Israeli Dani Dayan, a former head of the Jewish settlement movement to replace Israel’s previous ambassador to Brazil, Reda Mansour.

Evidently Israel was told by Dilm'a government that Israel would have to choose a different envoy because the choice of Dayan who was after all a former head of the Jewish settlement movement would not do. The reason it would not do was because; in 2010 Brazil recognized Palestinian statehood in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip hence the reluctance to accept an Israeli ambassador who is a West Bank settler.

In respond to Dilma request to find another envoy in place of Dani Dyan, the Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely sent the following message;

“The State of Israel will leave the level of diplomatic relations with Brazil at the secondary level if the appointment of Dani Dayan is not confirmed." and adding that Dayan would remain the sole nominee.

There you have it, the revenge with the implied message; 'your coup will be carried by the US through her Brazilian Operative/US Informant & another Brazilian Jew, the Coup President Michael Temer, and your Central Bank will be headed by an Israeli."

Susan Nevens - 19 May 2016

May 17, 2016

Pay Gap Alert: Clinton Foundation Male Execs Earn 38% More Than Women

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at the Queens borough of New York April 10, 2016.   REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

The purpose of sharing this news (not really 'a news' as it was out in April) is not to shame slap Hillary Rodham Clinton as she is way beyond shame slapping as far as I am concerned, but rather shame slap her idiotic and uninformed sycophants and supporters whom frankly share a great deal of what is wrong with this country.

This unprincipled, unscrupulous, soulless, power hungry and corrupt shill, who has nothing in her favor-ability arsenal except her 'gender' and her opponent's overt racist, sexist, and xenophobic remarks, has been preaching "Equal Pay Day” speeches and charging that equal pay for women has been “long overdue.”

Speeches that are applauded and praised by so called Women Rights activists, those whom have been burning their feminist bras since the days of Seneca Falls, 168 years ago, alas in their impotence they could not even muster enough power for one and half century to even ratify the ERA (Equal Right Amendment) which finally died and were buried in 1982 and after 10 years of waiting to be ratified.

These gullible, 'I vote for Hillary because she is a woman and speaks for me', don't even have the fortitude to at least check Clinton's record on matters that supposedly is a concern to them! Had they unclenched their feminist fists for a moment and did a little finger surfing, they would have found that 'Pay Equality' means nothing to Hillary Clinton other than another lip service for the purpose of political expediency.

The 'Glass Ceiling' is about 30 feet high in Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation where Male executives earn 38% more than Female executives.

Furthermore according to the foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 nearly 3 times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at the Little Rock, Arkansas-based foundation.

On average, top male executives at the foundation earn $109,000 more than the top female executives in the same position.

So it is not just lies about matters of Foreign Policy, it is not only about abuse of her position as Secretary of the State jeopardized the Nation's National Security, it is not about being a Wall Street shill and giving quarter of million dollar speeches to Goldman Sacks, or about pandering shamelessly to Zionist Israel.

It is not even about being in the back pocket of Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and putting the interest of corporations above interest of working class Americans. It is her hypocrisy, her lies and deceit about 'Women's Right for Equal Pay', the very subject that has the gullible and uninformed women line up to vote for this corporate hack.

She has the whole slew of accomplices likes of Barbara Boxer Senator from California and the Democratic Party Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz who likewise partake in deceiving women, sycophants and party puppets.

Susan Nevens - 18 May 2016

Palestinians commemorated NAKBA

Once again Palestinians commemorated NAKBA for the 68th time I believe, alas Palestine has a Nakba of her own. His name is Mahmoud Abbas, his Party Fatah, and he is the President of incompetent and impotent Palestinian Authority and indecently he is the only President who has been self appointed president whose term has ended on January 9, 2009, over 7 years ago but he is still there. I suppose he is just another Nakba in addition to the occupying enemy of peace and humanity, the genocidal cancer on face of humanity, the Zionism.

Susan Nevens - 17 May 2016

May 11, 2016

Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria

'A semi-official Iranian news agency says more than a dozen members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards were killed in this week during an attack by militants in northern Syria'

How curious!

It wasn't long ago that 'official' Iranian news agency, PRESS TV, and its mouthpiece/operative passing for 'political analyst & commentator', and the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, the mother of all the lying plagiarizers vehemently denied Iran having any boots on the ground in Syria, rather only handful of 'military advisors.'

In fact on February 19, 2016, Iranian FM Zarif who lies not only with great ease but with a smile on his face, told European Parliaments; "Iran does not have boots on the ground in Syria, we have military advisers in Syria, as we have them in other places." An abject lie that have been amplified by these so called Iranian 'commentator/political analysts', whom are regularly invited to propagate their misinformation/disinformation/meditated lies on RT and PRESS TV.

Curiously as of May 2, 2016, total of 693 Iranian soldiers & militia fighters have been killed in Syria, of which 280 of them were killed between the onset of Russia’s intervention on Sept 30, 2015 and and May 2, 2016.

To wit while Iran maintains that only “military advisers” have been deployed to Syria, the state media keeps reporting numerous battlefield casualties, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) keeps disclosing new stats on casualties! So far Iranian media has reported that there were 400 Iranian “martyrs” in Syria between 2013 and mid-2015. smile emoticonWhy hasn't the scale of the 'reported' casualties cast doubt over Iran’s denials of any combat role in Syria, is in itself curious if not a joke.

The 13 deaths reported herewith in the attached article brings the total number of Iranian dead to 693 in just the last three years and given that the first IRGC personnel arrived in Syria in 2012 and many losses have probably gone unreported, the real toll is almost certainly higher.

But while the 'truth' is a scarce commodity and hard to come by any stretch of imagination when we are dealing with Iran, we can consider the statistic reported by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which puts number of Iranian troops at 2000, majority of whom are from the Quds Force - the special forces wing of the IRGC - where IRGC provides these units with recruits, weapons, training and military planning. In total, there are believed to be at least 3,000 Iranian military personnel in Syria.

3000 is a significant number of 'military advisers' I say, the only other country with more military advisors (somewhere around 50,000+ mark) is the United States whose military advisors have been 'advising' Iraqi military since 2003.

Susan Nevens - 11 May 2016

May 10, 2016

Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing

Ahhhhh, the emails appear to be missing 

Evidently Emails from Hillary Clinton’s IT Director, Bryan Pagliano, appear to be have disappeared into the thin air, puffffff.......

The State Department said today it can’t find Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.

This statement about Pagliano’s missing email comes in response to a FOIA request-turned-lawsuit by the Republican National Committee, which wants the State Department to turn over all his emails as well as Clinton’s text and Blackberry Messenger communications. In a court filing today, the RNC said the State Department has told them there are no documents responsive to either of those requests.

“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said today, referencing a file format that holds email.

Mr. Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can't find any of those records he would have turned over and continue to search for them.

Mr. Pagliano BTW has been a key witness in the FBI inquiry into the handling of sensitive material on the server he helped set-up and has been granted immunity by the Justice Department in exchange for his cooperation.

Needless to say that 'the missing records' were significant in shedding light on his role in setting up Clinton’s server, and why he was granted immunity by the FBI. But it seems that his emails were either destroyed or never turned over, adding yet another layer to the secrecy surrounding his role.

It's unclear why the State Department does not have his email records for the time her served as her IT director, it is clear however that someone has purposefully withheld them and it is unlikely that Pagliano is the that person as he already got immunity in exchange for his cooperation.

Folks as expected this case is being purposefully politicized, politicized by Clinton machinery, politicized by Obama administration, politicized by State Department, politicized by Democratic National committee. It is presented as ploy by Republicans to discredit Hillary Clinton. But this is not about partisanship, this is about massive impropriety, this is about Hillary Clinton and Obama's State Department role in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, the event of Benghazi, the death of Ambassador and 4 Americans, and a lot, lot more. Watergate is nothing compared to this, we are talking impeachment.

How sad that people are being occupied with this silly masquerade of Primary, as if there is even a slightest of possibility for Uncle Bernie to get on the board. As if it matters who W. Virginians or Pennsylvanian support or vote for? As if it make a slightest iota of difference who Oregonians and Californians like? Really folks, really, in age of information, ignorance is a choice.

Susan Nevens - 10 May 2016

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels

This is a very important article by Seymour Hersh an investigative journalist and recipient of a Pulitzer Prize award, five George Polk Awards, two National Magazine Awards, and more than a dozen other prizes for investigative reporting, whom in 2004 exposed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in a series, had previously revealed, in a series of interviews & books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the Sarin gas attack as a justification to invade Syria, but now for the first time Hersh has directly implicated Hillary Clinton.

" "In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used chemical weapons against rebel forces. Only two months later, in June of 2013, the United States concluded that the Syrian government did, in fact, use chemical weapons in its fight against opposition forces. President Obama immediately used this chemical attack as a pretext for invasion and authorized direct U.S. military support to the rebels, according to the White House.

Since the US has been funding these ‘moderate rebels’ more than 250,000 people have been killed, over 7,600,000 have been internally displaced, and 4,000,000 other human beings have been forced from the country entirely.

All of this death and destruction carried out by a sadistic army of rebels who’ve been funded and armed by the United States government, based on, what we are now told, was a complete fabrication.

World renowned journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, in a series of interviews and books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the Sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria...."

I remember when these "events" were taking place, and I was following along as carefully as I could, based on what I was able to actually access from available media. And, I don't remember it like this at all. I DO remember that the neocons, particularly in the Senate, and especially John McCain and his little subcommittee on something, formulated some meaningless statement about the need to invade Syria, and browbeating the shit out of this president for NOT doing it. In other words, in his limited vision, arming them was better than putting US troops on the ground and/or bombing them ourselves. NONE would have been better, and he caved to the neocons, ESPECIALLY HILLARY, once again.

So, he's not excused, but I disbelieve that he was looking for a pretext to Invade Syria, and I think Hersch is not a good source on this perception. I know for a fact who was gung ho to invade Syria, and it wasn't this President. Further research would have contradicted that, including interviews and books from the high level cabinet members involved. (including Gates)

Otherwise, this seems to be a pretty good piece, except that I don't think anybody will ever have the real story on all of this stuff. Too much sabotage, backstabbing and other malfeasance going on to come up with an itemized "who said/did what to whom", and the culprits usually escape clean."

Susan Nevens - 10 May 2016

May 09, 2016

Pro-Clinton Supporters in a Nutshell

Pro-Clinton supporters in a nutshell :)
This election arose many variations/degrees of 'contempt' for the running presidential candidates. It seems to me that it has been rather more convenient to direct the disdain at Donald Trump. 

I am by no means a Trump fan, having said that not only I can effortlessly direct my criticism, contempt and derision at Hillary Clinton, but I can even rationalize and justify my contempt. Another words there is not much we don't know about Hillary Clinton that merit giving her benefit of the doubt or a pause that we might be premature in judgement of her.

Susan Nevens | 9 May 2016

Some Reflections on US Elections..

Susan Nevens | 8 May 2016
This election season has been an extra ordinary learning experience for me, an addendum to a particular awareness to psyche of American electorates which was acquired sometimes in early 2010.
In 2008, like many of my compatriots I have made a wrong judgement subscribing to Barack Obama’s message of ‘hope & change’.
As a supporter of Obama/Biden campaign, I have voluntarily dedicated many hours of my time, alas by early 2010, when little by little my audacity of hope was replaced by the mendacity of despair, I did acknowledge and owned my mistake and moved on.
6 years have passed since then and much has happened in world of politics which not only affected the landscape of US domestic policies and politics but it also influenced the perception by which the United States is perceived around the world.
Having the benefit of hindsight and in light of last 7 years, I can say with a great degree of certainty that Obama administration contributed as much as George W. Bush if not more to this train wreck of presidential candidates we have been witnessing in the last 9 months.
So it was no surprise when almost every single presidential hopeful, whether he was a Senator, Governor, ex-governor, or a member of US Congress to try his best to distance himself from the very system which gave him notoriety if not his paycheck.
Perhaps we are not so off the mark to imply that to save this Empire from total and utter implosion, the US stagnate economy is in need of her own version of perestroika (economic restructuring) and to help with our broken political structure and to eliminate traces of repression and for the US to become a more prosperous, productive nation a policy of glasnost (openness) should be adopted by the next person who would occupy the Oval office for the next 4 years.
Anyhow as we have witnessed, the fad for this election season was to somehow convince the wide eyed and disillusioned electorates to once again ‘believe in change’ hence the slogan of choice across the board became; “I am an outsider” which not only gained a candidate a great deal of support but it also generated some excitement.
Donald Trump wore a badge of not being a ‘politician’ with honor, which meant not only he need not abide by rule of 'politically correctness' but that he could justify his political illiteracy.
‘Not being a politician’ seem to have worked like the Monopoly's ‘get out of the jail’ card for Trump, an excellent cover for gutter politics of bigotry and racism in which the cesspool of sexist, racist, and xenophobic remarks became his trademark and was embraced by those whom in Trump found a vehicle to vent out their own pent up and restrained prejudices.
For ‘Senator’ Ted Cruz his party’s rancor and enmity for him was somehow translated to being an 'outsider', alas the support he had hope to garnish from the evangelical Bible hugging, 'family value' segments of the Republican Party were not enough to improve Cruz's odds to become the GOP nominee.
Bernie Sanders reminded us over and over again that he too was an ‘outsider,’ never mind the reality of him being part of the system for about 3 decades, the only 'Independent' Senator failed to move 'revolutionary' stance beyond the sclerotic and fully corrupted Democratic Party.
For some reason Comrade Sanders caucusing with the Democrats while promising his supporters a ‘political revolution‘ from within the cartel of high dollar owned & operated Democratic Party did not bother his young supporters;) whilst Bernie ‘the social democrat‘ Sanders spoke of ‘inequalities’ kept up the sham of vying to protect the nearly obliterated working class families while tying his wagon to the party of corpocrat crooks and Wall Street cuddlers.
Moreover the anti-war, anti-interventionist Sanders claimed to have voted against the Iraq war but then his supporters found nothing out of sort with his funding the US imperialist militaristic agenda in Iraq & Afghanistan, nor did anyone find anything un-kosher about his voting in favor of U.S./NATO military aggression against Kosovo (former Yugoslavia) during the Clinton years (late ‘90s).
Likewise Sanders did not mind the U.S./NATO aggression which was responsible for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Libyans resulting in reducing secular Libya into a sectarian failed state.
Furthermore Mr. Sanders did not shy away from jumping on the “bomb anyone who threaten us” bandwagon and subsequently voted in favor of giving George Bush unilateral war powers following 9/11 hence setting the stage for the president invasion of Afghanistan which has lasted for the last 15 years.
Moreover Sanders was totally complaisant in his support for the US planned and fomented neo-Nazi-led coup d’etat in Ukraine.
Despite all that however Comrade Bernie was considered a ‘political revolutionary’, a hero and the prodigal son for 'reform' and his support kept growing.
Hillary Clinton could be considered the only animal on shipwreck of the Noah’s Arc of presidential hopefuls who could not claim to be an ‘insurgent‘ and ‘outsider’.
After all Mrs. Clinton was transparent when it came to her moral vacuum and her militarist belligerence could not be more palpable. Her push to bomb Serbia; her vote to invade Iraq; her support to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and her role as a leading proponent of regime change in Libya which resulted in destruction of Libya and murder of Muammar Ghaddafi, her support for Egypt’s military coup by Al Sisi, and her groundwork for a coup d’etat in Ukraine were all undeniable.
She boasted about how tight she was with such war criminals as; Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright. An unapologetic and corrupt to the core, Hillary Rodham Clinton is of Imperialism, for Imperialism and by Imperialism alas her failure as the Secretary of State and her shenanigans in Honduras, Haiti, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine seemed to have not phase her supporters who claim her to be the most qualified candidate among the bunch.*

Hillary Clinton and Clinton machinery banked on cleverness of few and stupidity of many and they were given a break not only by the Department of Justice and by FBI but by the very Bernie Sanders who claimed to be sick & tired of hearing about her damn emails.

Alas at the end of the day, when the only commodity available to a dis-empowered and a dispossessed American public in a corrupt and constrained system limiting their imagination to mechanical support of stage-managed icons is to cast a vote, nothing is as insipid as analysis of the U.S. presidential election and/or US presidential candidates. 
ink emoticon
But distasteful I am in encouraging those who find themselves incapable of thinking about politics beyond the limits of electoral convention, to think, to analyze, to compare and contrast.
When a complex project like democracy is limited to two airbrushed party bureaucrats, venal strategies of coercion are inevitable. But one should not be made to feel responsible for our national travails if one chooses to go beyond the cult of ‘lesser of two evils‘ by adopting different ways of political consumption and participation and/or refuse to validate the same shitty system.
Furthermore “Vote for Hillary or be responsible for Trump” is the slogan of someone who is either maintaining or being played by the system. So NO you are not responsible for emergence of Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, plutocrats, corrupt politicians, profiteers, potentates, and the well-heeled MSM commentators who aren’t compensated for insight but for their ability to render platitudes the currency of American political debate ARE RESPONSIBLE.
lest we not forget the similarities between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders supporters, in which both groups credit their respective candidates for exposing the corruption of the parties.
Having said that, Trump and Sanders are not pioneers unless of course we are willing to overlook likes of Dr. Cornel West, Chris Hedges, Glen Ford, and Bruce Dixon, to name but a few, whom have all been active at the forefront of the modern progressive struggle & whom in a very real sense have prepared the groundwork that has made Sanders nominal success possible.
What needs to be acknowledged is the fact that a ‘movement‘ has been created. Whether or not Americans choose to further this movement is dependent on us not Sanders, and certainly not Trump. It is up to us to pick up and carry the banner for economic justice into the streets after the election, no matter who wins.
Up until now we have supported a ‘campaign‘ to which this ‘movement‘ has been born. Movements don't have so much of A leader as they have LEADERS, hundreds of leaders, thousands of leaders, millions of leaders whom must build solidarity across the social divides.
You see, it is not about voting for a president but IT IS about making a positive and tangible change beyond a campaign slogan. It's about taking action in interest of one's own life. It doesn't make much difference whether Clinton or Trump become the POTUS; the corporations will ultimately control both and the Congress.
If anything, the last 9 months have showed us that as a society we are conservative about the values and principles which we cherish; but we are forward-looking in protecting those values and principles and in extending their benefits.
As a nation we seem to have rejected the discredited theory which implies that the fortunes of the Nation should be in the hands of a privileged few. We have also seem to have abandoned the "trickle-down" concept of national prosperity. Instead, we have come to believe that our economic system should rest on a ‘real’ democratic foundation and that wealth should be created for the benefit of all.
The recent months and people’s support for ‘insurgency’ are testament that the American people have decided that poverty is just as wasteful and just as unnecessary as a preventable disease.
We have come to believe that no unfair prejudice or artificial distinction should bar any citizen of the United States from an education, affordable health, or from a job that he/she is capable of performing.

A movement has been born and this movement has the potential to change this country, whether we credit Trump or Sanders matters not when we recognize that a conducive atmosphere was created for us to stand up and take action, an action that for now is directed at the ballot box but it ought to go beyond that, we need to be the 'change' we like to see, not only 'believe' in change but 'be' the change.

Susan Nevens | 8 May 2016

May 08, 2016

Pahlavi Jr., aka Reza Pahlavi

Susan Nevens | 8 May 2016

Evidently last Thursday (May 5th, 2016) at an annual gala hosted by the World Values Network, a Jewish and pro-Israel group, Mr. Sheldon Adelson who was one of the honored guests decided to voice his support for Donald Trump, the Republican's presumptive nominee, citing the candidate's position on Israel.
The hardcore pro Israel group (bomb, bomb, bomb Iran) event hosted by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach was held on Holocaust Remembrance Day and traditionally honors high profile individuals for their contributions to the Jewish community. This year gala's honored guests included Elie Wiesel, Yoko Ono and انینه پهلوی aka Reza Pahlavi, son of deposed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and a left over member of the exiled Iranian royal family.
The host Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who has worked with Adelson on Jewish-related causes praised Mr. Trump for being vocal in his criticism of the Iran nuclear agreement and having the unprincipled, unscrupulous, empty suit member of deposed royal family on his side was no doubt considered a feather in his cap.
Incidentally this was not the first time for the abhorrent and detestable Mr. Pahlavi to be among the honorable guests whom according to Rabbi, their actions and lives embody universal Jewish values. Mr. Pahlavi is a regular at this gala which is held annually in New York City, home to fungal and decrepit Royalist/Monarchist Iranians whom desperately masturbate to the thought of returning morally vacant Reza Pahlavi the lesser back to the throne.

May be they know something that we don't know, may be Pahlavi Jr. in his infinite wisdom hopes that Mossad will follow the footsteps of CIA who return the throne back to his daddy will do that for him and that he can regain the title of 'his Royal Highness', who knows may be promises were made 
wink emoticon
Non-the-less shame, shame to them all.
Susan Nevens | 8 May 2016

May 07, 2016

Hillary Clinton

Susan Nevens | 7 May 2016

Whether or not we should begin to allow despair to gain hold or that we should curb our cynicism and root for the blindfolded Lady Justice, her scale and two-edged sword we need to consider certain facts and acknowledge that more 'subterranean' than HRC server is the means by which the FBI has been investigating this case and Department of Justice which will be ultimately making judgement on Mrs. Clinton's impropriety.

As I have mentioned from the get go knowing the target/scope of the FBI investigation were pivotal in understanding the possible outcome of this case.

While the FBI did never publicly acknowledge the specific focus, scope, or potential targets of any of their investigation into Clinton's use of a private server, the commander in chief and once Mrs. Clinton's boss, President Obama gave us an inkling during one of his interviews a month or so ago in which he iterated that 'intent' seem to have been the primary target of the FBI investigation.

The idea that scope of this over a year long Tax payer funded investigation were whether Mrs. Clinton 'Knowingly & Intently' set to jeopardize US National Security is testament to the absurdity, folly and irrationality of the United State Justice System.

Have we had less of an adulterated and feigned Democracy, have we had less of a politically marred, tainted, spurious and contaminated Department of Justice, the aim of this investigation ought to have been: Whether the US Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton or her aides gross negligence in using private server which did fall outside the department's secure classified system could have jeopardize the US National Security (her 'intent' notwithstanding)?

Its the intent to set up a private unsecured server in the first place that is germane, setting up the server was a 'intent' act and a gross negligence. The 'gross negligence' IS the issue, not the 'intent.'
Alas in this nation we have different benchmark by which our justice system operates.

While in the 'Civil Law', laws which often apply to commoners, the ignorance of the law can never be used as an excuse/justification in breaking the law, and one's 'intent' is neither here or there; ie try to see how fast you land in jail by saying; "I never intended to fail to disclose income to the IRS," wink emoticon the Federal Law, applied to an elite group in this case, makes it a crime ONLY IF someone 'knowingly or willfully' retains classified information, handles it in a grossly negligent manner or passes it along to someone not entitled to see it.

Needless to say proving 'INTENT' if not IMPROBABLE, it is very hard undertaking and if you are a 'Clinton', proving that she 'intently/knowingly' jeopardized national security is down right IMPOSSIBLE.

Thus the 'Clintonite defense machinery' are somewhat assured of the wiggle room afforded to them, as long as they can claim that certain materials were not classified at the time, or that Secretary Clinton did not know what was classified and what wasn't, or that she did not knowingly and/or intently mishandled any classified materials with a bad purpose in mind.

To that effect we have been hearing potpourri of 'statements from Mrs. Clinton's people such as;

1. Nothing was marked 'classified' at the time.

2. or claiming that having private emails is not unprecedented and that many before Mrs. Clinton have had private emails and cleverly NOT ENCLOSING AT ALL the difference between having 'private server/private IP address' and a 'private email' and obfuscating the fact that NO ONE in position of the Secretary of State HAD EVER BEFORE USED A PRIVATE UNSECURED SERVER to conduct his/her duties in capacity of Secretary of State. .

However there are still many reasons which would make a 'not guilty' verdict very plausible;

a) the fact that there were indeed communications which were redacted from what was released to the public, redacted exactly because of its highly 'classified' nature. As long as government feels certain files must remain 'classified' then Mrs. Clinton claim that there were no 'classified' information has no merit whatsoever.

b) CIA determines the classification of information hence Clinton statement that you could get the same Intel from the news, therefor it is not considered classified is preposterous. The fact is that the CIA determined that certain Intel was classified and if the original email that the Clinton minions clipped the Intel from and send to her unsecured server was marked 'classified' then she's guilty. Now do that for the 2000 emails and suppose 10% fall in to that category. That's 200 counts. No accident. Gross negligence at a minimum.

c) That the use of 'private unsecured server' by Secretary of State is indeed UNPRECEDENTED, as limitations of permissible conducts are the first thing briefed to any Secretary of State before he/she is to assume his/her position and Secretary Clinton was no exception. Therefor even if the argument is that there were NO INTENT on Mrs. Clinton's part in mishandling of classified material, her GROSS NEGLIGENCE WERE INDEED INTENTIONAL.

d) One of the Clinton's aide Bryan Pagliano, who had set up her email server in New York in 2009, was granted immunity by the Department of Justice in exchange for cooperation with FBI and another aide Huma Abedin were interviewed by the FBI just last month.

Why would the DOJ grant immunity to aides involved if what they have to say is insignificant. If the aides refused to cooperate with FBI, they would be charged with obstruction of justice, so giving immunity was not an incentive for their cooperation but perhaps was an incentive for possible lighter impending charges.

As the saying goes there is no smoke without fire.

The FBI investigation has been going on for over a year and at the end of the day FBI will pass on its finding to the much politicized Department of Justice which rather than honoring its long history of bipartisan fidelity to the law, it has become an unapologetic partisan institution that aides and abets the current administration's lawlessness, thus once the charges are turned over to the Justice Department they will become irrelevant.

There are many reasons why it is unlikely that the current Department of Justice will prosecute Hillary Clinton for blatant violations of rules governing the handling of classified material.
For one, the head of the Department of Justice, the US Attorney General, is appointed by President Obama, another words the Attorney General Loretta Lynch who will determine the final verdict is influenced by her boss's expectations of her.

Fantastically enough Mrs. Lynch's boss, President Barack Obama, seem to have n an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Obama seemed to have prejudge the outcome of the ongoing inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s email scandal, on April 10, 2016 during an interview in which not only he disputed the notion that any of the emails contained classified information of true importance but also stated that Hillary Clinton “would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy", an statement that if has not already influenced the direction of an ongoing FBI investigation by perhaps suggesting that focus ought to be on 'INTENT", would surely influence his Attorney General's decision.

Oh..... the Irony of Democracy tongue emoticon and let us end by a quote from Hillary Clinton;
"Rules are made for little people!" 
- Hillary Clinton

Susan Nevens | 7 May 2016