May 21, 2016

Hillary Declares Herself Winner, voters and FBI be damned


Since the discovery of Hillary Clinton’s private subterranean email server, she has trivialized the magnitude of the situation, claiming that the FBI investigation into her potentially criminal behavior is just a routine security check-up and ''security inquiry."

But evidently FBI Director James Comey sees the situation very differently from Clinton and is adamant that the investigation being conducted by his team is, in fact, an "investigation."

Comey as you would hear him say in a attached audio clip admits that he has not heard 'security inquiry' before wink emoticon

Director James Comey: “I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry.’ We’re conducting an investigation. That’s what we do., it’s in our name.”

Despite the fact that Clinton believes she has done nothing wrong and has never put national security in jeopardy, it is a fact that more than 2,100 of her emails have been deemed “classified.” However, Clinton still states that none of the messages were marked classified at the time she received them tongue emoticon

Oh yeah, they were not classified at the time, but they became classified after the fact and shortly there after wink emoticon

Anyhow it seems to me that not only Mrs. Clinton feels that Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION (FBI) is not doing any 'investigation' but an 'inquiry' into her illegal activity - such as jeopardizing the United States National Security' but she also claims that it has already been decided that she would be a nominee, and that she is not a 'presumptive nominee' but a 'matter of fact nominee."

So I suppose California with its 38.8 million population and New Jersey with its 9 million population are wasting the Nation's time holding their primary on June 7th ;)

Queen Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Lady in Waiting, is hoping that she can pull this one over the American voters too, may be she can, who knows? As Big Al as in Einstein once said;
"Two things are infinite: the universe & human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

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