May 18, 2016

Lizzie the British Queen..


LOL........Evidently Lizzy the white woman in $1,000,000 hat and another few million dollar bling, bejeweled by African and Asian colonially looted Rubies, Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires and Gold gave her "most gracious speech" to both Houses of Parliament by which she instructs the poor to live within their means!

Ahhhh, that utterly precious and unmistakable display of warmth and compassion which has been the trademark of British Royal Family.

But how can we fault Lizzy, she is British after all and Brits reserve their passion for their Dogs and Horses wink emoticon

Some excerpts from her majesty 'most gracious' speech;

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

~ My ministers will continue to bring the public finances under control so that Britain lives within its means, and to move to a higher wage and lower welfare economy where work is rewarded.

~ Measures will be brought forward to create the right for every household to access high speed broadband.

This one ^^ is sort of like the mythical story of Marie Antoinette telling the mob of starving (for lack of bread) French peasants, “let them eat cake!” Madam Windsor puts the 'right of access to high speed broadband for every household' above right to not starve wink emoticon

~ To tackle poverty and the causes of deprivation, including family instability, addiction and debt, my government will introduce new indicators for measuring life chances. Legislation will be introduced to establish a soft drinks industry levy to help tackle childhood obesity.

^^ Her government will introduce ''new indicator'' to measure poverty and causes of deprivation' instead of actually tackling poverty wink emoticon and oh yes, new taxes on soft drinks consumed by those porky, naughty children, that is how we tackle poverty and increase 'life chances.'

Enough said.......

Susan Nevens - 19 May 2016

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