May 10, 2016

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels

Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels

This is a very important article by Seymour Hersh an investigative journalist and recipient of a Pulitzer Prize award, five George Polk Awards, two National Magazine Awards, and more than a dozen other prizes for investigative reporting, whom in 2004 exposed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in a series, had previously revealed, in a series of interviews & books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the Sarin gas attack as a justification to invade Syria, but now for the first time Hersh has directly implicated Hillary Clinton.

" "In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used chemical weapons against rebel forces. Only two months later, in June of 2013, the United States concluded that the Syrian government did, in fact, use chemical weapons in its fight against opposition forces. President Obama immediately used this chemical attack as a pretext for invasion and authorized direct U.S. military support to the rebels, according to the White House.

Since the US has been funding these ‘moderate rebels’ more than 250,000 people have been killed, over 7,600,000 have been internally displaced, and 4,000,000 other human beings have been forced from the country entirely.

All of this death and destruction carried out by a sadistic army of rebels who’ve been funded and armed by the United States government, based on, what we are now told, was a complete fabrication.

World renowned journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, in a series of interviews and books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the Sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria...."

I remember when these "events" were taking place, and I was following along as carefully as I could, based on what I was able to actually access from available media. And, I don't remember it like this at all. I DO remember that the neocons, particularly in the Senate, and especially John McCain and his little subcommittee on something, formulated some meaningless statement about the need to invade Syria, and browbeating the shit out of this president for NOT doing it. In other words, in his limited vision, arming them was better than putting US troops on the ground and/or bombing them ourselves. NONE would have been better, and he caved to the neocons, ESPECIALLY HILLARY, once again.

So, he's not excused, but I disbelieve that he was looking for a pretext to Invade Syria, and I think Hersch is not a good source on this perception. I know for a fact who was gung ho to invade Syria, and it wasn't this President. Further research would have contradicted that, including interviews and books from the high level cabinet members involved. (including Gates)

Otherwise, this seems to be a pretty good piece, except that I don't think anybody will ever have the real story on all of this stuff. Too much sabotage, backstabbing and other malfeasance going on to come up with an itemized "who said/did what to whom", and the culprits usually escape clean."

Susan Nevens - 10 May 2016

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