December 14, 2016

Molana Jalaldin Rumi

by Susan Nevens  - 15 Dec 2016

It is noted that December 17th is the day Molana Jalaldin Rumi aka Rumi, aka Molana, a 13th century Persian poet and one of my favorite poets has passed away.

Rumi is one the most translated Persian Poets but he is mostly known for his love poetry but Rumi was much more than his love poem. He was a universal poet even in 13th century.

I am enclosing one of my favorite poem of him and have included the translation of it for non Farsi speaking friends so we can all enjoy the fabulous poetic mastery of Molaana.

Why think O men of piety
I have returned to sobriety
I am neither a Moslem nor a Hindu
I am not Christian, Zoroastrian, nor a Jew

I am neither of the West nor the East
Not of the ocean, nor an earthly beast
I am neither a natural wonder
Nor from the stars yonder

Neither flesh of dust, nor wind inspire
Nor water in veins, nor made of fire
I am neither an earthly carpet, nor gems terrestrial
Nor am I confined to Creation, nor the Throne Celestial

Not of ancient promises, nor of future prophecy
Not of hellish anguish, nor of paradisic ecstasy
Neither the progeny of Adam, nor Eve
Nor of the world of heavenly make-believe

My place is no-place
My image is without face
Neither of body nor the soul
I am of the Divine whole.

I eliminated duality with joyous laughter
Saw the unity of here and the hereafter
Unity is what I sing, unity is what I speak
Unity is what I know, unity is what I seek

Intoxicated from the chalice of Love
I have lost both worlds below and above
Sole destiny that comes to me
Licentious mendacity

In my whole life, even if once
Forgot His name even per chance
For that hour spent, for such moment
I’d give my life, and thus repent

Beloved Master, Shams-e Tabrizi
In this world with Love I’m so drunk
The path of Love isn’t easy
I am shipwrecked and must be sunk.

September 29, 2016

My thoughts on Upcoming Presidential Election......

My thoughts, thinking loud, being bold, suggesting a path to dilemma of our upcoming presidential election......

We are about couple of months away from the US Presidential election. To keep us passive and obedient we have been restricted and limited to spectrum of acceptable opinion and we were allowed to have a lively debate about our choice for president within that spectrum.

As obedient masses we have been conducting our lively debate on social media forums like Facebook and Twitter. We defend one candidate, criticized the other, we have been hypothesizing and theorizing about what our world would be under helm of the X or the Y.

We’ve agreed on some points, disagreed on others, had our hopes high at times and had shares of disappointments. We have become confused, apathetic, frustrated and some of us have just plainly given up all together.

We were told that a lot is at stake in THIS particular election, and we’d forgot that we were told the very same thing at every other previous elections. The tone of; “THIS is a historical election and your vote is important” is a familiar tone.... after all the history is waiting to be made when & if we elect the first woman president.

Alas we were told the same thing in 2008 election when the euphoria of electing the first African American President to the White House had engulfed the nation and the world for that matter. When we elected ‘The Chang We Could Believe In” and our chant; “Yes We Can” excited the world.

We we made to believe that THIS election is somewhat different, we came to look at Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders as the outliers & the fever of political insurgency seemed to have affected a great portion of the ‘dispossessed’ electorates.

Donald Trump claim to fame was that he was not a Washington insider, that he was not part of this quadrennial political masquerade. Trump showed us in words that he is not ‘a politician‘ by not adhering to game of ‘political correctness.’ That meant he said what he felt about ‘race’, ‘gender’, ‘ethnicity’, ‘religion’, and ‘nationality.’ He was a breath of fresh air to a good portion of America, he spoke their thoughts.

Right off the bat Donald J. Trump WAS NOT a ‘Republican candidate’, HE BECAME an embodiment of a ‘Protest candidate.‘ He knew it, the corporate duopoly of the political establishment knew it, and frankly anyone who paid attention recognized it.

The other ‘insurgent’ candidate, of the faux kind, was of course Bernie ‘the Political Revolutionary’ Sanders. A self-professed Social Democrat, the so called defender of the Working Class, the flag bearer of Main Street and the ardent critics of Wall Street & the billionaire class entered this quadrennial National Derby with his horse named; ‘The Future You Can Believe In‘, so reminiscent of the 2008 ‘audacity of hope‘ guy’s campaign slogan; “The Change You Can Believe In.”

Sanders was a perfect choice for the fed-up, disenfranchised leftover ‘leftists’ and 'progressives' in Democratic party.

To objectively become the truer and more fully explicit ruling class party in the country the Democratic Party allowed Sanders, a self-declared democratic socialist, to go very far in the primary process.

A perfect storm which was so masterfully created were not only to destabilize the Republican side of the corporate duopoly but also to invigorate the gullible progressives who thought they had a space under the tent of corporate Democratic structure.

Bernie of course were no insurgent. His tying his bandwagon to the same Party of Wall Street and running as a Democrat albeit being avid critic of Washington’s corporate oligarchy were explained as a smart ‘political strategy.‘ After all Sandersnista reasoned, running outside of duopoly two party system might be ‘revolutionary‘ but it would have also been a political suicide ;) The “Movement” they were convinced of, is going to be ‘from within the system of political duopoly.‘ :)

Then after Bernie Sanders endorsement of Wall Street billionaire class Goldie Lock, for some the 'lyrics' quickly changed from “Never Hillary” to “Never Trump” however the ‘song‘ remained the same, as it was instructed by prodigal son of ‘Revolution’, Mr. Sanders, to ‘First Vote for Hillary, then Mobilize.” :)

For others who were not ready to face reality of being duped by the DNC, they considered Bernie as the one who sowed the seed of ‘Political Revolution‘ in some imaginary fertile ground, he was a spark they’ve been waiting for, so all was not lost!

When, how, in what way the seeds of this ‘political revolution’ is going to sprout, it is TBA.

Meanwhile Clinton’s think-tankers started salivating at the prospect of absorbing much of the GOP’s previous base and somewhat convinced themselves that the rest of the Republican Party is up for grabs once they see Hillary Clinton’s sharp right turn, seeking to build a “Big Tent” party made of the Republican Party’s fat cat financial supporters and the whole GOP-oriented imperialist political infrastructure, the permanent warmongers.

Mind you, despite all the mudslinging, the differences between Clinton and Trump center on HOW BEST to advance the national and global interests of the corporate and financial elite that controls the US. And regardless of who wins, the new administration will combine the worst features of both candidates because the overriding factor driving the campaigns of both Trump and Clinton is the crisis of American and world capitalism, overseen by a parasitic financial-corporate aristocracy dedicated to a policy of war and social counter-revolution.

For some of us it has been a painful ride, to witness how Americans remained blind to the fact that as long as there have been elections in America the Democratic and Republican candidates differ over means but not goals and although they appear to denounce each other, they share a common enemy: the working class American.

Unfortunately after nearly a year of campaigning and hearing the usual scripted lies and nonsensical, the nation finds itself in a familiar place and mode of choosing between the ‘lesser of the evils‘.

Often at this junction a great portion of American voters feel used and spent, feel dispossessed, disenfranchised, frustrated and confused. There are those who become apathetic and disengaged and there are those who still feel that political participation is important and tenement to good citizenry.

What is not realized & recognized is, the fact that American electoral politics is all about the art of convincing decent people to forget that the lesser of two evils is also evil.

The American presidential election has become about protest vote. “Voting out” whom one feels is the bigger evil. We as a nation have forgotten that concept of ‘election’ meant to be & ought to be about "voting for" whom we approve, whom we trust, whom who fight for OUR interest.

In light of that, there is only one question to ask;

Are we to vote for one of the two gatekeepers of “Fortress America”?

Are we for Donald J. Trump? A candidate through whom the ruling class plans to lay the foundation for a fascistic authoritarian movement based on extreme nationalism and militarism.

A candidate whose proposal for massive $90 billion increase in US military spending would certainly make Military Industrial Complex even more “great” than ever.

A candidate who offers us foreign policy of war, crudely articulating that taking the Middle East Oil is the essential motivation for US policy in the region.

All that coupled with his demand for resumption of the open use of torture and his other expansionist and hegemonic ideals, his call for the elimination of all corporate regulations and a reduction in taxes for the rich, his demagogic nationalism: vilifying immigrants, really doesn’t make Trump any different than your run of the mill politician.

Are we for Hillary R. Clinton?

A candidate we are fearful that Donald Trump “will become” if he wins the bid to the White House :)

Hillary Clinton is the consensus candidate of the most powerful sections of the corporate-financial elite and the military-intelligence apparatus. Backed by the Ultra rich elites who are her real constituency, she has centered her campaign on winning over prominent Republicans, including war criminals from the Bush administration, and top military generals.

A quintessential Wall Street candidate, whose Foundation has been exposed as a money laundry front for pay-to-play scheme by foreign powers/nations, all to further her personal interest not the Nation’s interest.

Hillary Clinton who has decided that it serves best if she can appeal to patriotic emotions of Americans but invoking McCarthyism era ‘Red Scare‘ thus she has adopted the anti-Russian sabre-rattling as central theme of her campaign for couple of reasons;

a) She appeal to blind patriotism of Americans by accusing Kremlin for all the incriminating leaks, cyberattacks and hacking, all unsubstantiated charges meant to divert attention from the corruptions within DNC and her subterranean and illegal personal server and the email exposure.

b) she has accused her opponent (Trump) of being a communist tool, only because Trump pledged to “get along” with Russia and allow the Russians to collaborate in global efforts to stop ISIS. Clinton declares that Trump is “unpatriotic,” “scary” and “a danger to the US national security.” Trump as she implies is danger to the geostrategic interests of American supremacy.

Hillary Clinton a candidate who has promised us more of the same warmongering policies that she'd showcased as a Secretary of State. She has already threatened that cyberattacks and hacking by Russia would be met with a military response. Furthermore her policy adviser has already confirmed that one of Hillary’s first priorities upon taking office will be to shift the focus in Syria towards attacking Assad ( read full on invasion of Syria) and orchestrating a regime change.

Are we going to vote for either of these two because we feel:

a) we have no other choice

b) as an American it is your patriotic duty to participate

c) you believe in the system and your vote counts

d) whether or not you vote one of them will be next US president

Well, in my humble opinion, NOT VOTING, BOYCOTTING election is also a choice, which will not necessarily contradict with one's duty for political participation.

You can vote for measures and propositions pertinent to your State or vote for whatever else on your ballot that is important to you, but DO NOT VOTE FOR ANYONE AS PRESIDENT.

What does this accomplish?

For one thing it would create incredible historic data on very low voter turnout for the presidential election. Lets say the impact of the boycott would reduce turnout to say 30%. This would be an incredible historic shock having the potential to remove the legitimacy and credibility of the current two-party duopoly.

This non-vote would be a true “protest vote/message vote” and a driving force for major political reforms. It would send a clear message to both major parties, the political establishment, the media, and the whole world that Americans have recognized the truth about our delusional democracy.

A boycott will deliver a bullet to our corrupt, delusional democracy, demanding for reform of our political system. If there is any hope to spark true political revolution, to capitalize on our energy for the next presidential election, this boycott will pave the road.

Recognize that the journey which has landed us at this very junction where we have little respect and trust for our Congress or just about every other institution was not an overnight journey. As a nation and irrespective of our political affiliation we all agree that we have been on the wrong track.

Then ask yourself how can you still cling to the belief that voting is what you can and should do? Ask yourself how could it come to this? How could you ink the name of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, two world class liars, two of the most unpopular, untrustworthy, sick narcissists who are in it for themselves.

Wouldn’t voting for either of these individuals mean that you are still deluding yourself that you live in a legitimate democracy?

Wouldn’t voting for either two mean that you have willfully ignored the fact that American democracy which has steadily declined in quality, integrity and effectiveness is no longer a reality?

Don’t you think fixing our corrupt, flawed and no longer sustainable political system is far more important than your vote this year?

Yes, you might feel bad that the candidate you most hated won your state and maybe the Electoral College, or that you did not show support for a third party candidate, but don’t you think you will feel good that your BOYCOTTING THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION means that you finally stood against the status quo & this broken political system?

You see, once a democracy has become delusional playing the game of being responsible citizen and voting no longer makes sense.

In so many other democracies the public create massive street protests and many times this kind of action produces political and government reforms. But who are we kidding? We know and it has become clear that the street protest strategy has not and will not happen on a large enough scale to produce deep reforms in the US. You have witnessed the ineffectiveness of the 'Occupy Movement'.

Nor has forming new reform-oriented organizations done the job.

It is far easier and more convenient & feasible for the vast majority of Americans to see the light and BOYCOTT THIS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

How is that for 'political revolution'?

How is that for 'Movement'?

How is that for small step toward political 'Reform'?

Susan Nevens - 30/09/2016

Link to the Facebook Post:



September 20, 2016

US, Russia and Syria

20 September 2016

I had often talk about US mission in Syria to be one of the 'regime change' from the get go. After nearly 4 years and in light of what has happened since ISIS was created through joint efforts of US, Saudi Arabia, Israel & Turkey, there is a little doubt in mind of anyone who has been following the events in Syria.

Furthermore, the events of the last few days and 'intentional' US led coordinated effort with Britain & Denmark to 'unintentionally" attack Syrian Army forces violated a ceasefire agreement previously reached between Russia & US.

While the US mission has always been clear to me, throughout the last 4 years I found myself questioning Russia's mission in Syria.

Case in point is Moscow's reaction toward the US attack on the Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor. In retrospect the extent of US attack on Syrian Army forces has been much bigger than it was initially admitted and Moscow itself acting numb and dumb about the actual details of the operation is very interesting to me.

Remember that the first account of what has happened came from a Syrian Military survivor who witnessed the US airstrikes first hand:

"- We first thought the aircraft are support to us after the first 2 shots, but we quickly found out that they are targeting our forces aggressively, while we were fighting IS terrorists. The aircraft used cluster bombs against us.

- A day before the airstrikes, the drones were flying and scanning all the area

- The US airstikes destroyed all our equipment and defense points.

- ISIS fighters attacked us immediately after and during the US strikes. Some of them were laughing

- US drones and helicopters opened fire from machine guns on our retreated forces

- It is for sure wasn't not a mistake, they targeted us intentionally to help ISIS.

- America is ISIS itself "

So my questions are what is Russia's objective in Syria, its involvement since September of 2015?

Why have Russia recalled its main military advisor to the Syrian government right at the beginning after the September 2013 crises?

Why hasn't Russia help her ally earlier at very beginning of ISIS take over?

Why have Russia never dealt with Turkey's overt support of ISIS?

Why is it that I see Russia's main objective in the past couple of years particularly is to make a deal with the US?

Why is it so important to Russia to somehow bring US some resemblance of "victory" before Obama leaves office?

Why would Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov would offer such asinine and moronic condition such as; "Terrorists should stop attacking, while the US should stop mistakenly striking Syrian army" for the ceasefire to resume?

Why does Russia keeps pretending, even at this junction in the game, that "terrorists" are different than "moderate oppositions"?

Or that America's engagement with 'moderate opposition' means America's engagement with & support of the 'terrorists/ISIS"?

Read more:

And last but not least why Russia, all mighty Russia, with a geopolitical advantage & now with Turkey playing in its team has not been able to curb ISIS?

We pretty much know why mighty America were unable to curb ISIS? Why curb what one has created? Right?

There are unanswered questions on both side of the Syrian tragedy which is equally disturbing because nobody is questioning it?


September 15, 2016

Why is Israel getting a payrise, in advance?

16.09. 2016 - Susan Nevens

My FB friends, fans, followers & pokers :P I have to share my thoughts, my musing, my prediction if you would.

I trust that what I have to say is less crazy than what we have been hearing from both camps in past 9 months.

I trust that what I have to say would remarkably more plausible and reasonable than the sham of Benghazi Hearing, the charade of FBI investigation and Attorney General Lynch's verdict regarding Hillary's subterranean emails and her unlawful personal server.

I am confident that what you would hear from me would be less shocking than Bernie Sanders total capitulation and/or when you'd learned that DNC and its chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the entire derailed Democratic Party caboose were in on promoting their one and only candidate, Hillary R. Clinton from the get go.

I trust what I have to say is more tenable, conceivable, and feasible than various reasons - from dehydration, overheating, stomach virus, blood clot, pneumonia to flu and allergies - which were given as diagnosis of Hillary's deteriorating health condition.

In any event I've figured there is more benefit to share my thoughts than risk being called a crazed gal :) Most of my FB friends are much smarter than me and many of them are infinitely well connected, so sharing my thoughts would perhaps help in complete the puzzle, who knows may be together we would be on to something :)

Now here is what I am thinking: On September 13, 2016 President Obama as you all most probably know signed a single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history with Israel. 
Mr. Obama's parting gift to Israel was $38 billion military aid pact beginning in 2019 and extended over 10 years or $3.8 billion per year till 2028 !! Another words Israel got almost $1 billion dollar raise, from $3.1 billion annually to $3.8 billion annually.

The fact that Tel Aviv got a raise is not curious in itself, what makes it curious are;

1. THE TIMING: After all there is no need for Mr. Obama to appease the Israeli lobby as if he is running for reelection!

2. THE FACT THAT THIS PACT DOES NOT START TILL 2019: I believe it is quite unprecedented for a sitting president to sign an aid package that would go to effect 2 years after his departure from the office!

I am thinking that the only explanation is that Obama Administration and Democratic Party are no longer confident that they would win the White House. Moreover the Democrats are not confident that the 'future President' would be as generous to Tel Aviv as they would be.

Looking back confirms that every move that Obama Administration has taken so far is very much calculated & weighted. As you remember Barack Obama did not endorse Hillary Clinton till after FBI concluded its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails AND until after he had an audience with his Attorney General Lynch prior to her announcement of her decision to bring no charges against Hillary Clinton.

I am thinking that Democrats and Obama Administration were confident that enough strings could be pulled, right alliances could be made, enough people could be silenced, and right deals could be made to address all the 'legal issues' (Benghazi, emails, DNC abandonment of Bernie Sanders, even the 'pay to play' scandal of The Clinton Foundation) surrounding Hillary Clinton. They were successful in that regard.

Democrats also thought of everything, from propping up a fake progressive so called 'Social Democrat' posing as anti-establishment Uncle Karl Marx but whose job was to excite the base and not be interested in 'Hillary's damn emails' to Donald Trump who happened to be a gift that keeps giving to the Democrats.

Between the vagina voters, the 'Never Hillary' crowd turned to 'Never Trump', 'the Blue no matter Who' gangs, Democratic Party were confident that they had Hillary Presidency in the bag.

But there were those who were not convinced, frankly there were so much crap surrounding Hillary that lately anyone with mediocre rationale had to pause. All along they knew that Hillary health problems would be the last nail on the coffin. Sure enough Hillary's deteriorating health and slew of more lies to cover up her health issues confirmed their worse nightmare, her numbers slipped.

They were those who did not trust her and now there are those who are not even confident that she would even be able to serve, with that combination it would be next to impossible to put her back on the map.

Whether or not Hillary continues her campaign after a week of rest and regardless of how much more charade they plan to present to the nation, I feel Democrats know there is no hope for them.

Too much lies, too much deceits, too many skeletons in the closet, the bull crap meter has nowhere to go, even 'benefit of doubter' crowds had their fill of lies. The show is so bad that the audience is filling out.

So I am thinking what meant to be a 'Hello Gift' from Hillary Clinton to Israel became a 'Parting Gift" from Barack Obama to Israel. Please note that I am not suggesting that the decision to make this pact was made at the behest of Hillary Clinton's fainting spells and overnight. The plan was in place, they just had to readjust the schedule, they just needed to implement it a little ahead of schedule.

The Democrats & Barack Obama Administration knows the game is over, whether Hillary has pneumonia, whether she is overheated, dehydrated, has allergies, stomach virus or flu, whether or not she brings in the Doctor note, the game is over in my opinion and action of Barack Obama confirms it.
16 Sept 2016 - Susan Nevens

Link to Facebook Post:

Embedded post:

Obama: shortest distance between the 'audacity of hope' and the 'mendacity of despair'

16 . 09 . 2016  -- by Susan Nevens

No US President has done for Israel what Barack Obama whom said once, "I feel Jewish in my soul", has done for Israel.

Talking about 'a basket of deplorable', Barack H. Obama is embodiment of deplorable, he is embodiment of hypocrisy, and he is the shortest distance between the 'audacity of hope' and the 'mendacity of despair.'

For bloody 8 years the despicable Republicans have tried to paint him as an anti-Israel President who would hold his ground against Tel Aviv traditional hijacking of the United States’ foreign policy.

BULLSHIT.......because everybody with a pulse within the Washington's Beltway knows that NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY OF THE US HAS DONE MORE FOR ISRAEL THAN BARACK H. OBAMA & THAT IS A FACT.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Colin H. Kahl wrote for Foreign Policy in August of 2012;

" … As the Defense Department official with primary responsibility for enhancing Israel’s defense capabilities and deepening joint military cooperation with the United States from 2009 to 2011, I can attest to a different reality: No president in history has done more for Israel’s security than Obama.

The case for Obama’s Israel policy begins with record-high levels of Foreign Military Financing (FMF). The Obama administration has increased security assistance to Israel every single year since the president took office, providing nearly $10 billion in aid — covering roughly a fifth of Israel’s defense budget — over the past three years. To put this in perspective, this is about 20% higher than the remaining six dozen recipients of U.S. FMF combined.

Under Obama’s direction, the United States has also deepened defense cooperation aimed at helping Israel address its most pressing security concerns, including rocket and missile threats emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. When then-Senator Obama traveled to Israel in 2008, it wasn’t for a political fundraiser. Instead, he visited Israeli victims of Palestinian rocket fire in the southern town of Sderot, declaring “I came to Sderot with a commitment to Israel’s security.” These were not just words. As president, Obama has championed efforts to provide Israel with $275 million over and above its annual FMF to help finance Iron Dome, an anti-rocket system that has already saved Israeli lives by intercepting approximately 90% of projectiles launched against protected areas in the country’s south in the past year."…/16/obama-has-been-great-for-isr…/

Speaking before Union for Reform Judaism Conference in December of 2011 Obama professes to his unshakable support for Israel by saying & getting standing ovations;

"It's hard to remember a time when the [U.S.] administration gave more support to the security of Israel. Don't let anyone to tell you otherwise. It's a fact."

Haraatz article of June, 2015 penned by Greg Rosenbaum reconfirmed THE FACTS by outlining all that President Obama had done for Israel to prove his 'unshakable commitment' ;

".....Obama’s actions prove his commitment.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Unlike Bush, who gave Israel’s Iron Dome system a frosty response, Obama has led the way in funding and supporting the research, development and production of the Iron Dome — which has been crucial in helping Israel defend itself against terrorist rocket attacks — as well as the joint U.S.-Israel missile defense systems David’s Sling, the Arrow II and Arrow III. Since 2011, the United States has provided Israel with more than $1.3 billion for the Iron Dome system alone.

The military cooperation has been so strong that in a 2012 speech to the Israel National Defense College, then-Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, “The security ties between us and the current administration are at the highest level they have ever been.”

In the international arena, under Obama’s leadership, the U.S. has fought for Israel’s full participation in the United Nations, has voted against resolutions in the General Assembly condemning Israel, cast the only “no” votes on five anti-Israel measures last year in the Human Rights Council, and worked to ensure that the General Assembly held its first-ever session on anti-Semitism. Obama also prevented the Palestinians from unilaterally declaring an independent state."

read more:

As if the Obama Administration hasn't broken the record for its 'unshakable commitment' in form of US military & Foreign Aids to Israel, as a parting gift the DEPLORABLE Barack Obama hands Israel the largest military aid deal in history by signing a $38 billion military aid pact, $3.8 Billion per year for 10 years till 2028!! 
Mazel tov.

A deal that the US State Department boasts as a “single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history.”

Now Mr. Obama did not have to do that, it’s not as though he needs to appease the Israeli lobby because he is running for re-election! He did it because he is DEPLORABLE, because this Uncle Tom would not even be in the Oval Office if he did not take an Oath to serve his White Masters until the very last minute.

This despicable man who spoke of 'barbarianism' when the 3 Israeli teens were found dead but never spoke a word of 'barbarianism' when Israel slaughtered 2025 Palestinians (1715 of who were civilians & 551 of whom were children) during 50 days of death & destruction in 2014. This DEPLORABLE man has just armed Israel to teeth against the oppressed & occupied. That is what I call, "A BASKET OF DEPLORABLE", that is what I call, "BARBARIANISM", that is what I call "BEING INCOMPATIBLE WITH HUMANITY."…/obama-hands-israel-largest…

Do you want to know how you would be remembered Mr. President?
Do you want to know what legacy you would be leaving behind Mr. President?
Do you want to know how the conscience people of the world would judge you Mr. President?

We would remember you as America's first Black man on a White throne of oppression, a man who gave wonderful yet hollow orations about 'freedom & liberty' but he was still 'chained', he was still a 'slave' like his African ancestors and he was so impotent that he never tried to break the chain albeit having numerous chances.

You gave a parting gift to Israel Mr. President and this is my parting gift to you.....YOU ARE THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN THE AUDACITY OF HOPE & THE MENDACITY OF DESPAIR.

[Link to Facebook post: ]

July 23, 2016


First thing first, I want to thank all my FB friends and family for humbling me and making me a happy woman with your generosity.

The cakes, the abundant bouquet of flowers & balloons were sweet but sweeter than that were the thoughtfulness, the humbling words and the kindness you have all bestowed on me.

I can’t ask for more kindness and thoughtfulness from amazing group of people who have showered me with endearing words on my FB wall and through private messages on my special day.

I am truly blessed for making this connection with each and every one of you. Alas my only regret is that I don’t know you a lot of you in person, but life is full of surprises and may be one day.... :)

I tried to thank every one of you personally, (I hope I did not forget anyone) a task that I look forward to the day after. I look forward to it perhaps for a selfish reason of confirming how rich I am in friendship, a wealth beyond all the material wealth that it is worth a world to me.

While I was leaving each of you a little comment, I was hoping and praying that FB does not cut me off :) as on other occasions they notified me that I am abusing my privilege and commenting too much in way of 'thanks' and that is evidently not what FB is for :P But this time around they were nice to me, they even send me a birthday greetings ^_^

I must say despite some of the shortcomings of 'social media' that we all have acknowledged from time to time, the Facebook has been very good to me and for me. Some people say that the bond and friendship through social media platform is ‘virtual’, is ‘digital’, and somehow it is not "real". Alas for me that argument does not hold true. I know for the fact that I would be unable to connect to/know so many wonderful, diverse, intelligent, caring, versatile, knowledgeable, compassionate and open-minded people from all corners of the world in my lifetime if it wasn’t for Facebook.

Hence I am indebted to social media to have put me in contact with you. I am also indebted to each and every one of you who have enriched my life (90% enrichment capacity of a ‘Nuclear Love Bomb’ and thanks to FB with full long rage delivery system reaching every continents and nooks of crannies of the world.) ;)

So don’t forget my friends, we are all imminent threat to ‘hatred’, to ‘injustice’, to ‘disinformation & propaganda’, to ‘oppression’, to ‘bigotry & racism’, to ‘economic servitude’, to ‘inhumanity’, and to all and every hegemonic & demonic power in the world. What bonds us is our effortless practice to not only stay ‘human’ but to strive to be better human beings.

We are all Palestinians, Ukrainians, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Libyans, Sudanese, Yemenis, Afghans, Pakistanis, South Africans, Cubans, Haitians, Kashmiris, Armenian and……We are voice of the voiceless. We should remain the color of water, human beings without boarders, without prejudices.

We ought to remain gender-less, free thinkers, and not bound to blind patriotism. We are citizens of the world and should reject being put in a single category. We all have faith and while some of us feel the need to practice different religions, some of us find it unnecessary, but at the end of the day I don’t think any of us object to peace and justice nor would any of us remain indifferent to oppression.

I think that is why we have found each other, that is why we have bounded, and that is how we gain strength through each other or at least that is my story and that is how I get my strength.

Once again thank you for making my day. <3

July 23, 2016

Beautiful art from Joseph Cornell

July 13, 2016

Seek Truth and Tell the Clinton(s) that the Buck Stop with US THE PEOPLE

Starting today I will be sharing some thoughts, some brilliant posts from those whom I have been reading not to mention with those whose views, opinions and analysis I see eye to eye in regards to Mr. Bernie Sanders but even more so in regards to Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

As rational, moral, ethical, and balance individuals we owe it to ourselves to seek the truth and tell the Clinton(s) that the Buck stops with US THE PEOPLE.

The US Department of Justice bowed to the corrupt Clinton because frankly the US Department of Justice is not about 'serving justice' but to carry on with the pretense of doing so.

The FBI too bowed to the corrupt Clinton because they too can not be trusted to stay above the fray of the institutionalized corruption that reigns in this nation.

But WE THE PEOPLE should not bow to the corrupt political establishments, we should know better the story of American Politics.

We should know that the story of American politics is a story of propaganda (one party against the other), story of power, greed, lies and deceits, and finding ways for the masses to be complaisant in this process.

We know that the US is ruled by a private oligarchy with government as a mere front where the country’s resources are diverted to the pockets of Wall Street, the military complex, and to the service of greater Israel. In fact the oligarchs have succeeded in making Americans a ''dispossessed majority'' in their own country.

We know that the story of American politics, is a story of a strange alliance of the "dirt poor" with "mega rich', the wonderment of both parties managing to convince the poor to vote against their best interests, this happens every four years, and every 4 year the process is the same.

The use of “social issues” such as gay marriage, and women’s reproductive system, etc., are used by Republicans to work up indignation over the threat to moral values posed by Democrats.

Through propaganda the working poor are convinced that their tax dollars are used to provide medical care and schooling for illegal aliens, they are convinced that standing up for America means standing up for bankster bailouts and the military complex’s multi-trillion dollar wars.

The story is the same on occasion of every election, the game is convincing the masses to feel that their fate depends on their choice alas the scaffolding of the governmental system is the same 'greed & fear'. Both Parties usher the dispossessed to eat off the same trough laced with THEIR GREED & YOUR FEAR.

Let us say NO MORE, let us review our own choice, our own party, let us remove the word 'BUT', at the end of the day, we are ONLY RESPONSIBLE for our own choice. The Buck should stop WITH US, THE PEOPLE, that is as 'revolutionary' as we can get, that is as 'patriotic' as we can get. LET US NOT BE 'DISPOSSESSED MAJORITY' ANY LONGER. Let us LEAD ourselves, the 'Movement' is created, let us MOVE.

Now Phil Rockstroh is one of those people whom I have been reading, and sharing. I read him only because I understand him, he makes sense to me, he enlightens me, he is been consistent, consistently rational and logical. Here is Phil Rockstroh;

"Bernie Sanders has removed any doubt of the veracity of the accusation that he is and has always intended to serve as Hillary The Horrible's sheep dog. By his actions on the podium today in New Hampshire, he has revealed he is as epic a phony as she is.

Hillary Clinton's role in public life is anathema to everything Bernie and his believers claim to represent i.e., craven corporatism and belligerent militarism. Every word -- every syllable -- emergent from the shape-shifter is fraudulent, unless she is pledging to levy military aggression. Her actions prove credible in that regard.

Comrade Bernie stood behind her on the podium and nodded obsequiously at her every lying utterance. Good doggy. Nice doggy. Good job boy. Perhaps if you keep up the good work, the Clinton Cartel will create a new cabinet post just for you: The Department Of Sheep Dogging.

Yet Bernie, all living things are possessed of a soul, including sheep dogs. Today, you have proven you are bereft of one."

June 17, 2016

Orlando, FL shooting

There is this one event that has been occupying my mind since Saturday, roughly about 8 hours into event in Orlando, FL shooting.

As you probably know June is LGBTQ Pride month, across the nation on different weekends LGBTQ community celebrate and commemorate the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan.

So this weekend (June 10-June 12) was kick-off for LAPRIDE, Southern California' biggest LGBTQ celebration Music Festival & Parade in West Hollywood.

Naturally in light of Orlando tragedy which was still unfolding, the Los Angeles Pride celebration were going to be a bitter sweet event not only because the community just lost 49 of their own to what it was clearly a hate crime but also because by this time we have heard about the alleged 911 call and the possibility that this case of domestic terrorism was inspired by ISIS!!.

Right in the midst of tragedy unfolding in Orlando came a News Break which reported of authorities arresting an Indiana man with a cache of weapons, ammunition, Chemical explosive-making materials in his car with apparent plan to attend the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood.

Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old suspect told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm Gay Pride event", later on the story was changed when Lt. Saul Rodriguez said the suspect told investigators that he was going to the Pride festival but he did not make additional statements about his intentions.

In any event Federal and local law enforcement very quickly decided against canceling the annual parade. Evidently, the young man who drove all the way from Indiana with car loaded with cache of weapons, ammunition, Chemical explosive material heading to LAPRIDE event WAS NO REASON for the Federal & State law enforcement to even suspect there might be some kind of connection to the event in Orlando and they very quickly deemed it 'UNRELATED."

I have to make a personal disclaimer here before I continue. 
As much as the authorities, the government, the media have given me reasons, many reasons not to trust them, as much as I value healthy skepticism and have always encourage 'questioning' that which does not make common, logical and scientific sense.......I am far from being on an auto pilot for hypothesizing and/or theorizing.

Having said that, I can not get over how little attention were paid to James Wesley Howell of Indiana who was arrested in Santa Monica in early hours of Saturday June 11 while sitting in his Indiana registered car which contained three assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition and a 5-gallon bucket containing Tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create a pipe bomb and other improvised explosive devices.

How can one explain the scant attention paid to James Wesley Howard as if he could not possibly be a 'terrorist', 'influenced by the terrorists,' or 'inspired by the terrorist'. As if he could only NOT POSSIBLY BE RELATED to the event in Orlando. As if he WAS NOT "part of the plan", he WAS NOT part of the "script."

He was not even considered to be your 'mainstream homophobe' ready to commit a hate crime, the changed story from his admission & intent to harm Gays and Lesbians to the story that he had harbored no ill will toward gays or lesbians, made him not even a hate-crime suspect!

I suppose James Wesley Howell drove all the way from Indiana and was just there on sightseeing mission with car full of weapons, ammunition and explosives and a license plate which included a symbol of the National Rifle Assn. on the left side and the bottom said, "Teaching Freedom." :)

What do I know right? The Federal Law enforcement knew something that I didn't, they knew that James Wesley Howell of Indiana, 20 year old White male with a long rap sheet was not part of the 'script.' ;)

Susan Nevens - 16 June 2016

June 12, 2016

Orlando mass shooting

Another senseless tragedy and another concerted effort to see it as more than what it is; hate acted out and made possible by easy access to firearm which is often obtained legally as was the case in this incident.

All we are hearing, all we will be hearing and witnessing 24/7 for next few days is how this tragedy will be politicized. "Worst Mass Shooting in America," will be the banner defining this event but what the heck is parameter of 'worst' nobody will ever know.

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten that Racism was a motive for 21 year old white man Dylan Roof who opened fire in a historic black church, in Charleston, South Carolina almost exactly a year ago (June 15, 2015).

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten that how proud of himself was Robert Dear the Christian man who shot and killed 3 and injured 12 in a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs when in courtroom he belted "I am guilty".

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten the mentally ill 20-year-old Jewish White American Adam Lanza of Sandyhook Elementary rampage AND the tragedy in Umpqua Community College in Oregon where 26 year old gun crazed American Christopher Harper-Mercer who had a particular animus against organized religion, and asked the victims whether they were Christians before shooting them.

America, the Media, and the political establishment seem to have forgotten the Virginia Tech shooting by mentally disturbed 20 year old South Korean Seung-Hui Cho who has been permanent resident of US since he was 8 years old and killed 32 people.

There is no discussion in the US MSM about the 172 mass shootings which produced 228 victims JUST IN 2016.**
The US Media outlets are just in competition with one another trying to outdo each other with their erroneous reports connecting this heinous and bigoted hate crime to International Terrorism.

Donald Trump the twit on the Twitter who acknowledged “congrats” for “being right” on terrorism IS AS SHAMELESS as the MSM who see this tragedy as everything but the epidemic of gun violence and hate crime, AND AS SHAMELESS as the ISIS idiot leadership whom are so bloody desperate for notoriety that would gladly take credit for any violence done by any creep who decides in mid-act to pledge his allegiance to ISIS.

So once again the ills of American society, the bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, confluence of gun culture, rage and violence, epidemic of gun violence, and un-addressed mental illness is neglected/overlooked while the Afghani heritage and Muslim background of the shooter takes the center stage.

Hysteria and festival of fear once again and we are to believe that a US citizen of Afghan descent who has worked for 9 years as a Security Officer at a very significant London based G4S Security Service Company and has been on FBI radar for 3 years !! turns into a one-man killing machine and making sure that we know he's affiliated with ISIS.

** Click here for the Mass shooting archives in 2016, as of June 11, there were 13,700+ mass shootings in 2015.

Susan Nevens - 12 June 2016

June 10, 2016

The humble Queen feels that her birthday deserves 2nd round of celebration

The humble Queen feels that her birthday deserves 2nd round of celebration :)

"Britain is celebrating their 'Queens' birthday for the second time this year. A woman who decorated Derek Wilford of the Parachute Regiment shortly after the Bloody Sunday massacre in British occupied Ireland. The same woman who knighted the ethnic cleanser of Palestine, Shimon Peres.

Of course she didn't leave out US war criminals from receiving honors; Colin Powell who covered up the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, Norman Schwarzkopf who proclaimed "Iraq's dead weren't worth counting", Ronald Reagan who shot down an Iranian civilian airliner killing 290 and Tommy Franks for his "inspirational leadership" in Iraq were all rewarded with knighthoods.

Royal handshakes often seal the deal for arms sales, the British 'Queen' herself proudly met with Suharto to assist the British Labor governments weapons peddling.

She talked of the need to "promote common values" with Britain's junior partner Saudi Arabia in an address to the Saudi King.

She awarded the colonial police force the RUC with a 'George Cross'.

And instead of Mike Jackson being prosecuted for his role in the Bloody Sunday massacre she rewarded him with honors." 

(Extract From the Crimes of Britain FB page)

Susan Nevens -- 10 June 2016

June 08, 2016

America's IQ test: Presidential Election

I had shared this meme about a year ago and at the beginning of the 'Primary' circus which inferred that what is seen as Presidential Election by American is seen as America's IQ test by the rest of the world.

The meme held true and last night we have learned that America's IQ test which has been competing with the room temperature is even lower than the room temperature ;)

Bernie Sanders who has been campaigning in California for about 2 weeks and had over 250 rallies up and down the State was expected to win in 'landslide' :P but that didn't happen at all.

Was Sanders loss a shocking surprise? It depends who you'd ask that question. I imagine for his supporters who lacked ability to do the math it was rather shocking, after all it was believed by them that California is a progressive state, with rather informed electorates whose demography was believed to contribute to Sander's victory.

The young & educated were expected to flock to the polls and transfer their bravado, their enthusiasm, and their energy & excitement at the polls, but that didn't happen.

Was it a shocker to me? No, it wasn't, or I should say his loss was not a shock, the spread by which he lost was sort of surprising.

The reason for my not being surprised has a lot to do with my understanding of the State of California which I have been residing in for over 3 decades, understanding and acknowledging California's pseudo faux progressive image that is often presented to the nation.

Being a Californian not only gives one a bragging rights but it also gives one criticizing rights, so perhaps if I share my views of this 'sunny' but not so 'bright' state with you, you too would agree that Uncle Bernie and his people made a wrong 'strategic decision' to put all his eggs in California's basket. One more wrong 'strategic decision' on top of the myriads of wrong 'strategic decisions' that is :)

California my friends might be a "Blue State" but its political characters and those at helm, if are not Zionist shills and war mongers they are incompetent.

Take its two Senators for example; Dianne Feinstein, the senile old hack who is as old as San Francisco and whose loyalty lies with Tel Aviv first and foremost.

Or California's Jr. Senator Barbara Boxer, another Zionist shill whose lips were magically stuck to Mrs. Clinton's behind from the get go but thankfully we don't have to endure seeing her any longer as she is retiring.

Or one of California's Congressional Representatives, a man from my district, a creature called Brad Sherman who holds his Town Halls in various Temples around San Fernando Valley and his guest speakers are often just happen to have arrived from Israel !

California is the state which has given us Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House, a dimwit, incompetent, impotent, waxed mannequin who once was a third in line of presidency, never mind that her incoherent speech patterns indicated mental impairment and incompetence.

California is the state whose K-12 quality of education is ranked 47 out of 50 in the nation and whose rate of high school graduates in its LA Unified School District (2nd largest in the nation) is hovering around 58%. The future 'informed voters' :P whose state does not have enough room in its community colleges and universities to educate them but has plenty of room to incarcerate them ;)

California is the state that pretends to be the icon of 'health consciousness', where it is incumbent upon its [worthwhile] residents to drink their Green power booster glass of slush every morning and workout a good sweat, burning out that half an organic carrot and a sauteed Zucchini and grilled beets they consumed for lunch. 

Alas when it came to voting on a measure that one would think it should have been of some importance to them, such as a mere 'labeling' of the GMO products, their Organically fed minds failed to see through the scare tactic used by GMO lobbyists that 'of poison' means increased in price of that poison :) a tactic that worked which resulted in subsequent failure of the proposition.

California is the state whose farmlands are turning to dust-bowls, it only takes a few hours of drive through its central valley to see the devastation that water rationing has brought upon a state whose bloodline is agribusiness. Alas while the water to crops are rationed and while the Californians are penalized for watering their lawns more than twice a week, its so called 'informed/progressive' electorates are oblivious to their State's fraking industry which uses about 140 million gallons of water as part of fraking process in one year.

California is the state whose Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky whose obnoxious ruling to sentence a former Stanford University swim team member convicted of sexual assault to just six months in county jail caused an outrage, WAS VOTED INTO A NEW 6 YEAR TERM LAST NIGHT by the so called 'informed' California Voters!

So stating that 'informed voters' in California are as endangered of a species as voters of any other State in this nation is not an exaggeration. Progressiveness, being a revolutionary, a reformist, or being considered broad-minded? I don't know, California is certainly NOT what it used to be.

Susan Nevens - 8 June 2016

Hillary Clinton - the Goldman Sachs Candidate

One of the downside of 'Information overload' is that we get bombarded by so much news/material that we can't make sense out of it and somehow we become paralyzed in putting two and two together. Perhaps that is the mission to saturate us with so much news that we either become cynical of every piece of information or just tune out.

Below is one of many questionable subjects surrounding Hillary Rodham Clinton which I have been researching for a little while ever since the subject of transcript of Hillary Clinton's speech to Goldman Sachs has came up.

Often I mentally and physically bookmark a news that strikes me as odd, plausible, interesting and quite often culmination of various news completes a puzzle, the big question.

The following novelette :) is an example of that which makes the attainment of the so called Transcript of her speech unnecessary, because in light of all we have come to know that speech was just a small part of the web.

In late 2011, Marc Mezvinsky (best known as the husband of Chelsea Clinton) who was working at Goldman Sachs for prior 8 years left Goldman Sachs to co-found a New York-based private equity macro-focused hedge fund firm Eaglevale Partners with two longtime Goldman partners, Bennett Grau and Mark Mallon, and with financial backing from one of the biggest names on Wall Street: Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein.

Blankfein not only personally invested in the fund, but also allowed his association with it to be used in the fund’s marketing by letting let Eaglevale to use his name in marketing the flagship fund. Ironically this is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Goldman paid to Marc's mother-in-law, best known as Hillary Clinton. One almost wonders whose "benefits" Goldman was seeking to get out of this particular relationship.

By 2013, Institutional Investor proclaimed Mezvinsky "a hedge fund rising star,” alas
he was anything but, and instead of having a real grasp of macroeconomic events, or “how to hedge,” he decided to dump millions in Greece just before the country entered a death spiral that culminated with its third bailout, capital controls, insolvent banks and a terminally crippled economy.

Things of course went from terrible to abysmal for both the clueless hedge fund manager and his LPs, and in 2014 Hillary Clinton's son-in-law in a letter to the investors fessed-up to have been “incorrect” on Greece, generating staggering losses for the firm’s main Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity fund, a/k/a the "Greek recovery" fund.

By ‘incorrect,’ Mr. Chelsea Clinton meant the $25 million Eaglevale Greek fund had lost a stunning 48% and he ultimately had shut down the Greece-focused fund, after losing nearly 90% of its value backing Greece Recovery.…/clinton-son-in-laws-firm-is-said-t…

It is not at all clear why Eaglevale waited until this year (2016) to close the Hellenic fund, which already had lost about 40% of its value by early 2015! Perhaps it was just hope that the Greek people would simply pick up and rebuild the devastated economy from scratch, ideally without getting paid, thereby miraculously rescuing his investment.

There has been minimal reporting on the Goldman sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein investment in Eaglevale Partners, which is a private fund that faces few disclosure requirements. Hillary Clinton repeatedly dodged to answer if she knew the amount that Blankfein invested in her son-in-law’s fund.

The decision for Blankfein to invest in Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law’s company is just one of many ways Goldman Sachs has used its wealth to forge a tight bond with the Clinton family. The company paid Hillary Clinton $675,000 in personal speaking fees, paid Bill Clinton $1,550,000 in personal speaking fees, and donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation. At a time when Goldman Sachs directly lobbied Hillary Clinton’s State Department, the company routinely partnered with the Clinton Foundation for events, even convening a donor meeting for the foundation at the Goldman Sachs headquarters in Manhattan.…/hillary-clinton-bill-clinton-paid-spe…/

To understand the significance of these dealings/connections between Goldman CEO, his investment in Clinton’s son-in-law equity firm and Clinton Foundation, we have to bring together two strands of history. One concerns Bill and Hillary Clinton’s long-running connections to Goldman, among their closest with any US corporation. The second concerns Goldman’s activities leading up to and during the Wall Street crash of 2007–2008, including its deceptive marketing of contaminated mortgage derivatives.

It suffices to say that the long-running ties with Goldman have paid off for the Clintons. According to a July 2014 analysis in the Wall Street Journal, from 1992 to the present Goldman has been the Clintons’ #1 Wall Street contributor, based on speaking fees, charitable donations, and campaign contributions. As early as 2000, Goldman was the 2nd most generous funder—after Citigroup—of Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, with a contribution of $711,000.

By the winter of 2006–2007, however, Goldman and its CEO Lloyd Blankfein were becoming deeply involved in the collapsing housing bubble—and engaging in the practices that have since resulted in years of investigations and lawsuits.

Data gathered mostly from the Corporate Research Project, a public interest website, show that on thirteen occasions between 2009 and 2016, Goldman was penalized by US courts or government agencies for fraudulent or deceptive practices that were committed mostly between 2006 and 2009. Four of these penalties amounted to $300 million or more.

In July 2010 the Securities and Exchange Commission fined Goldman $550 million for the fraudulent marketing.

In July 2012 Goldman agreed to pay $25.6 million to settle a suit brought by the Public Employees Retirement System of Mississippi accusing the bank of defrauding investors in a 2006.

In January 2013, the Federal Reserve announced that Goldman would pay $330 million to settle allegations of foreclosure abuse by its mortgage loan servicing operations. Finally, in January of this year, Goldman announced that it would pay $5 billion to settle multiple lawsuits brought by official agencies against the bank, mainly for fraudulent marketing of CDOs; the final terms of the settlement were released on April 11.

How have the Clintons responded to these revelations about Goldman Sachs, and their legal repercussions for the bank?

Since we do not have the transcripts of Clinton’s 2013 speeches, it is impossible fully to answer this question. But we do know that Clinton received $675,000 from the bank for the speeches and all indications are that the Clinton-Goldman connections continued much as they had before the crash.

Eyewitness accounts of Hillary Clinton’s 2013 Goldman speeches give some idea of their tone. One Goldman executive told Politico in early February that Clinton sounded “like a Goldman Sachs managing director,” while a report in The Wall Street Journal on February 11 quoted another unnamed source who said Clinton’s greetings toward her Goldman audiences “bordered on ‘gushy.’…/clinton-speeches-218969…/hillary-clintons-wall-street-talks-wer…

A third indication of Hillary Clinton’s recent approach to Goldman executives, however, is more substantial. This is a speech Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman executives, including CEO Lloyd Blankfein, on September 23, 2014, that is available on YouTube in which she held up Goldman as an outstanding corporate citizen.

Note that this unbridled support of Goldman Sachs happened just at the very time Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law Eaglevale Greek fund One had lost 90% of its values and Blankfein (Goldman CEO) who financially backed her son-in-laws firm personally lost a lot of money.

As the primary season reaches the crucial contests in the northeast and in California that will likely decide the ultimate victor, the dual history linking Goldman and the Clintons poses many questions that still need to be answered.

First, should Lloyd Blankfein remain CEO of Goldman Sachs in view of the bank’s central involvement in the deceptive marketing of securities during the crash?

Does cozy association between Goldman Sachs and Clintons in which both Clintons receiving inflated speaking fees from Goldman, and with Hillary Clinton performing what amounts to a high-end public relations effort for the bank, even as she styles herself as a reformer of the financial industry questionable?

As long as Clinton refuses to reveal the content of her Goldman speeches, as long as there is a grossly questionable triangle between Goldman Sachs, Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s Son-in-Law private equity firm whose financial backer is Goldman Sachs CEO, believing in Hillary Clinton’s campaign pledge to “rein in Wall Street” is utter naiveté if not an abject stupidity.

Susan Nevens - 7 June 2016

June 05, 2016

Israeli MK: burning Palestinian boys is not act of terror

Pathology of sick society which believes it has a place in this world though for 67 years it has shown that it is incompatible with humanity.

The vermin Bezalel Smotrich who is a member of Israeli Knesset - that abhorrent body of sub-humans - considered on Thursday (June 2, 2016) that burning Palestinian children is not an act of terror.

Smotrich published a column in the B’Sheva weekly newspaper, saying that the attacks carried out by extremist Israeli settlers, including “price tag” attacks are not classified as terrorism.

Smotrich wrote: “Terrorism is only violence carried out by an enemy within the framework of war against us, and only that justifies taking severe steps who are out of place in normal situations, all the rest are serious crimes, abominable crime, nationalist crime, but not terrorism.”

Now does this cretin and many like him who make-up the Israeli society have a right to exist? HELL NO.

- See more at:

Susan Nevens - 4 June 2016

Israeli Knesset Member (MK) Bezalel Smotrich considered on Thursday burning Palestinian children is not an act of terror.

A Tribute to Muhammad Ali

A video obituary and a tribute to Muhammad Ali by the Guardian. [ ]

June 4, 2016

Parkinson was of course Muhammad Ali's greatest battle, at the end Parkinson won but not by a knock out, Ali put out a valiant fight.

Muhammad Ali was more than the sport he played, the influence of his larger than life personality was felt far beyond the ring.

Ali was stripped of his championship title after he refused to serve in Vietnam, subsequently he was convicted of draft evasion and was sentenced to five years in prison.

He was later on released on appeal, but was unable to fight or leave the country so he did the next best thing, he traveled the country and spoke against the war and for civil rights.

His message that people of color should resist white supremacy, imperialism and colonialism gave him A TITLE that could never be stripped. He became a champion for the right cause.

Ali passed away at the age of 74, RIP.

Susan Nevens